@ryokurosu on WordPress.org
- Member Since: November 4th, 2018
Contribution History
ryokurosu’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to 使い方について, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
不可となります。何卒、ご確認のほどよろしくおねがいいたします。 -
Committed [2253964] to Plugins SVN:
new wp -
Committed [2147601] to Plugins SVN:
addon -
Posted a reply to 自動投稿がうまくいきません, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
お世話になります。 こちらで原因調査してみたところ、プラグインに不具合がありました。 PRO限定で並び替えフィールドが存在するのですが、PROを有効にしない状態で設定をし、保存してしまうと並び替えフィールドの初期値が外れて空で保存されてしまっていました。 そのため、Youtube Data APIで弾かれていたようです。 大変失礼致しました。 プラグインの方は、只今アップデートをしております。 そのうち、更新版にアップデートできるようになるかと思います。 -
Committed [2141637] to Plugins SVN:
Fix typo in img file name. -
Committed [2112240] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [2102525] to Plugins SVN:
change readme -
Committed [2101965] to Plugins SVN:
change readme -
Committed [2101960] to Plugins SVN:
change readme! -
Committed [2101904] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.2 -
Committed [2101903] to Plugins SVN:
change readme -
Committed [2101391] to Plugins SVN:
assets add -
Committed [2101285] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2101284] to Plugins SVN:
first release. -
Posted a reply to Question in mind, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Please let me close this question -
Posted a reply to Question in mind, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sorry,Add screen-shot yesterday. -
Committed [2100609] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot add -
Committed [2100607] to Plugins SVN:
image compress -
Committed [2100606] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.1 -
Committed [2100605] to Plugins SVN:
first release -
Committed [2100391] to Plugins SVN:
first release. -
Committed [1995925] to Plugins SVN:
ver 1.5 -
Committed [1995923] to Plugins SVN:
ver 1.5 -
Committed [1988550] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 -
Committed [1988548] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 -
Committed [1988547] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 -
Committed [1976365] to Plugins SVN:
ver 1.4 -
Committed [1973905] to Plugins SVN:
ver 1.2 -
Committed [1973904] to Plugins SVN:
ver 1.2 -
Committed [1972734] to Plugins SVN:
first commit -
Committed [1972728] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2 -
Committed [1971984] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1 -
Committed [1971344] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.0 -
Committed [1971341] to Plugins SVN:
first commit -
Committed [1970439] to Plugins SVN:
icon.svg delete -
Committed [1969379] to Plugins SVN:
1.1 transration -
Committed [1969346] to Plugins SVN:
set on png -
Committed [1969342] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Committed [1969338] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin