@rustaurius on
- Member Since: August 13th, 2013
Contribution History
Rustaurius’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Theme Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [3228215] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.2 released and tagged -
Committed [3207195] to Plugins SVN:
wrong date in changelog -
Committed [3207194] to Plugins SVN:
v3.4.0 released and tagged -
Committed [3205013] to Plugins SVN:
v2.6.29 released and tagged -
Committed [3203863] to Plugins SVN:
v2.6.28 released and tagged -
Committed [3196905] to Plugins SVN:
Updating readme changelog entry for last update. -
Committed [3196904] to Plugins SVN:
v2.4.19 released and tagged -
Committed [3196894] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.9 released and tagged -
Committed [3196892] to Plugins SVN:
v2.6.27 released and tagged -
Committed [3196891] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.10 released and tagged -
Committed [3196886] to Plugins SVN:
v3.2.30 released and tagged -
Committed [3196883] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.9 released and tagged -
Committed [3196882] to Plugins SVN:
v2.2.7 released and tagged -
Committed [3196880] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.5 released and tagged -
Committed [3196759] to Plugins SVN:
v1.3.2 released and tagged -
Committed [3196752] to Plugins SVN:
v2.2.9 released and tagged -
Committed [3196747] to Plugins SVN:
v3.2.13 released and tagged -
Committed [3196743] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.18 released and tagged -
Committed [3196739] to Plugins SVN:
v5.2.21 released and tagged -
Committed [3196727] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.1 released and tagged -
Committed [3191462] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191461] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191460] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191459] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191458] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191457] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191456] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191455] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191454] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191453] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191452] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191451] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191450] to Plugins SVN:
Bump 'Tested up to' to 6.7 -
Committed [3191448] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to version bump -
Committed [3174575] to Plugins SVN:
v5.2.20 released and tagged -
Committed [3154138] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.17 released and tagged -
Committed [3150879] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.16 releaseed and tagged -
Committed [3150144] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.15 released and tagged -
Committed [3149360] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.14 released and tagged -
Committed [3143981] to Plugins SVN:
v5.2.19 released and tagged -
Committed [3142978] to Plugins SVN:
v3.2.29 released and tagged -
Committed [3133256] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.13 released and tagged -
Committed [3132924] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.12 released and tagged -
Committed [3125507] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.0 released and tagged. -
Committed [3121528] to Plugins SVN:
v2.6.26 released and tagged -
Committed [3120405] to Plugins SVN:
v2.6.25 released and tagged -
Committed [3119660] to Plugins SVN:
v2.6.24 released and tagged -
Committed [3119652] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.8 released and tagged -
Committed [3119649] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3.9 released and tagged -
Committed [3119644] to Plugins SVN:
v3.2.28 released and tagged
Etoile Theme Companion
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Five Star Restaurant Menu and Food Ordering
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Five Star Restaurant Reservations - WordPress Booking Plugin
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Front End Users
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Order Tracking - WordPress Status Tracking Plugin
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Slider Ultimate
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Ultimate Appointment Booking & Scheduling
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Ultimate FAQ Accordion Plugin
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Ultimate Forms
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Ultimate Lightbox
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Ultimate Product Catalog
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Ultimate Reviews
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Ultimate WooCommerce Filters
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Ultimate WP Mail
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Keep Calm and E-CommActive Installs: 20+
Restaurant BlockActive Installs: 100+
Ultimate ShowcaseActive Installs: 80+