Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Tokyo, Japan 2023
Created a topic, Jetpackでのバックアップについて, on the site サポートフォーラム:
AWS(EC2)で運用されているWordPressのサイトに JetPackのバックアップを設定したいのです… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Japan (Online) 2021
Committed [2260964] to Plugins SVN:
不要なディレクトリの削除 -
Committed [2260956] to Plugins SVN:
不要なディレクトリの削除 -
Committed [2260954] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt update -
Committed [2096515] to Plugins SVN:
tag version 4.0.1 -
Committed [2096513] to Plugins SVN:
bagfix -
Committed [2096512] to Plugins SVN:
tag version 4.0.1 -
Committed [2096511] to Plugins SVN:
bagfix -
Committed [1972493] to Plugins SVN:
version 4.0 release. -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Tokyo 2018はブロガーにもおすすめ!ブロガー向け企画を紹介するよ, on the site WordCamp Tokyo 2018:
こんにちは WordCamp Tokyo 2018のスタッフのモンハコこと和田稔です。 WordCampって「… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Tokyo 2018
Wrote a new post, interview:WordPressでブログ飯?Webビジネスのあるべき姿について染谷昌利さんに聞いてみた。, on the site WordCamp Tokyo 2017:
WordCamp Tokyo 2017のスタッフでブログ「モンハコ〜問題の8割はコミュニケーション」を主宰して… -
Committed [1651927] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1651925] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 3.32 -
Committed [1651923] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1651035] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1570577] to Plugins SVN:
readme changed. -
Committed [1570576] to Plugins SVN:
readme changed. -
Committed [1570562] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 3.30 -
Committed [1570561] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix. -
Committed [1570559] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix. -
Committed [1570556] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix. -
Committed [1570549] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 3.0 -
Committed [1570548] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 3.0 -
Committed [1551928] to Plugins SVN:
third release -
Wrote a new post, コントリビューターデイでブログを書きませんか。, on the site WordCamp Tokyo 2016:
WordCamp Tokyo 2016は二日間にわたって開催されます。そして二日目に開催されるのが「コントリビ… -
Wrote a new post, interview:WordPressコミュニティとの出会いが人生観を変えた。夢を叶える情報発信術の秘密, on the site WordCamp Tokyo 2016:
2016年のWordCamp Tokyoでは人気ブログ「わかったブログ」を運営しているかん吉さんに登壇頂きます… -
Wrote a new post, コントリビューターデイでブログを書きませんか。, on the site WordCamp Tokyo 2016:
WordCamp Tokyo 2016は二日間にわたって開催されます。そして二日目に開催されるのが「コントリビ… -
Committed [1409394] to Plugins SVN:
version up -
Committed [1407516] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1407468] to Plugins SVN:
version up -
Committed [1384988] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1384912] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1384906] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1384905] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Committed [1384898] to Plugins SVN:
version up. -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Tokyo 2015
Committed [1067851] to Plugins SVN:
first release. -
Committed [1057765] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Tokyo 2014
Total photo contributions: 1
View all photos contributed by rtakao to the WordPress Photo Directory →