
  • Member Since: August 28th, 2011
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  • Created a topic, CSS cache 404 error even when plugin is deactivated., on the site Forums:
    I had the plugin activated and working fine, but after…

  • Created a topic, Load posts within the same category, on the site Forums:
    Is there any way to only load posts within the same ca…

  • Posted a reply to Does it work with an Underscores based theme?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, it worked! Is there any way to only load posts within the same category?,…

  • Created a topic, Does it work with an Underscores based theme?, on the site Forums:
    I want to know if the plugin works with a theme writte…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin!, on the site Forums:
    It just works and adds a great visual effect to the we…
