@roguewebdesign on
- Member Since: November 20th, 2014
- Location: Victoria
- Website:
- Job Title: Founder/Developer
- Employer: Rogue Web Design
Contribution History
RogueWebDesign’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3230014] to Plugins SVN:
version check update -
Committed [3132356] to Plugins SVN:
version 6.6.1 tested -
Committed [3127714] to Plugins SVN:
version update -
Committed [3127712] to Plugins SVN:
tag updates -
Committed [3127711] to Plugins SVN:
version 6.6.1 and settings bug fix -
Committed [3100740] to Plugins SVN:
update approval transaction bug fix -
Committed [3099558] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.6.8 getGasPrice calls added -
Committed [3096939] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix when checking custom token prices -
Committed [3095818] to Plugins SVN:
short description -
Committed [3095815] to Plugins SVN:
readme file updates and stable version -
Committed [3095812] to Plugins SVN:
readme file updates -
Committed [3082748] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to version 6.5.3 -
Committed [3046621] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.6.4 remove duplicate folder -
Committed [3046617] to Plugins SVN:
sepolia network update -
Committed [3011597] to Plugins SVN:
Try Catch added to display browser wallet errors -
Committed [3007498] to Plugins SVN:
gas fee params added to help prevent metamask warnings -
Committed [3007435] to Plugins SVN:
updated deprecated provider chainId -
Committed [3003914] to Plugins SVN:
tested version 6.4.1 WordPress -
Committed [2965542] to Plugins SVN:
version 6.3.1 -
Posted a reply to Seems legit, on the site Forums:
Thanks! Let us know if you have any issues or questions.Cheers -
Committed [2947880] to Plugins SVN:
NFT Verification buttons added to entire page restriction -
Committed [2947859] to Plugins SVN:
php session updates and wallet page refresh -
Committed [2947454] to Plugins SVN:
solana math round -
Committed [2947453] to Plugins SVN:
solana js updates and session variables -
Committed [2946837] to Plugins SVN:
admin wallets placeholder update -
Committed [2946834] to Plugins SVN:
custom solana rpc urls -
Committed [2942727] to Plugins SVN:
Product JS loading fix and version update -
Committed [2937268] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to version 6.2.2 -
Posted a reply to Display users NFT from collection, on the site Forums:
Hi @nchisley, This isn't currently a featured of the plugin. However, we will look into… -
Committed [2916918] to Plugins SVN:
deprecated import and player design -
Posted a reply to Error on wp video import – vimeo error, on the site Forums:
Thanks @qbytes We will release an update shortly. However, we will be deprecating the Vimeo… -
Posted a reply to Error on wp video import – vimeo error, on the site Forums:
Hi @qbytes Please download the most recent version of the WPVS Video Importer plugin from… -
Committed [2904018] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix for address reference when verifying NFT -
Committed [2900896] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.5.0 subscriptions -
Committed [2894534] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme file to tested with WordPress version 6.2.0 -
Posted a reply to Verification failed, on the site Forums:
Hi @dampfrad You shouldn't need to pay again. If you're using OpenSea API Key, make… -
Committed [2876745] to Plugins SVN:
readme file update stable version -
Committed [2876744] to Plugins SVN:
redirect loop bug fix version 1.4.8 -
Committed [2856137] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.4.7 update with token type bug fix in admin area -
Committed [2830298] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.4.6 Solana and other major updates -
Posted a reply to Gas no funciona correctamente, on the site Forums:
@xhypetoken @myrd We have done multiple tests in both Live and Test mode, but haven't… -
Committed [2801347] to Plugins SVN:
contract list and version update -
Posted a reply to Gas no funciona correctamente, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the details @myrd We are investigating this further. Cheers :) -
Posted a reply to Simple, Clean, Functional, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the positive review and feedback! We are working on Moralis integration now. Cheers… -
Committed [2793670] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.4.3 warning message updates -
Committed [2793100] to Plugins SVN:
admin notice added for check checkout page is missing -
Posted a reply to Compatibility with WPBakery, on the site Forums:
Marking this as solved. -
Committed [2792064] to Plugins SVN:
veresion 1.4.1 session variables added for verification -
Committed [2790452] to Plugins SVN:
rest api endpoint bug fix -
Committed [2789710] to Plugins SVN:
review link and readme update
Web3 Access
Active Installs: 90+
WP Videos
Active Installs: 100+