Rodrigo Bastos
@rodrigobastos on
- Member Since: July 25th, 2016
Contribution History
Rodrigo Bastos’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2277772] to Plugins SVN:
Altera contribuidor -
Committed [1471851] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to -
Committed [1471648] to Plugins SVN:
Change Description -
Committed [1471573] to Plugins SVN:
Icons -
Committed [1471555] to Plugins SVN:
Rename -
Committed [1471551] to Plugins SVN:
Correction -
Committed [1471548] to Plugins SVN:
Correction -
Committed [1471545] to Plugins SVN:
Static -
Committed [1471542] to Plugins SVN:
Settings -
Committed [1471538] to Plugins SVN:
Images -
Released a new plugin, Hand Talk
Committed [1471101] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin
Hand Talk
Active Installs: 500+