@robertstaddon on, @Robert Staddon on Slack
- Member Since: April 19th, 2006
- Website:
- Employer: Abundant Designs
Contribution History
robertstaddon’s badges:- Core Contributor
Posted a reply to Is it alive?, on the site Forums:
I don't think this plugin is supported any more. You may want to switch over… -
Posted a reply to Fatal Error on “Edit User” Page in New 3.5 Update, on the site Forums:
Thank you! Your new version resolved the issue. -
Created a topic, Fatal Error on “Edit User” Page in New 3.5 Update, on the site Forums:
After updating to 3.5.0, I'm receiving the following f… -
Mentioned in [59741] on Core SVN:
External Libraries: Append .1 to react/react-dom versions. -
Posted a reply to Can’t Reprint Shipping Labels, on the site Forums:
This is great news! Thank you!! -
Posted a reply to Premium: Code vault connected, but suddenly empty, on the site Forums:
I recently started experiencing the exact same issue across many different websites. -
Created a topic, Simple and Easy for Adding Additional Checkout Fields to the Block Editor, on the site Forums:
This plugin allowed me to easily add fields in the Wor… -
Posted a reply to Plugin Abandoned?, on the site Forums:
That would be wonderful @slaffik ! I really like your plugin. -
Mentioned in [59536] on Core SVN:
External Libraries: Append a string to `react`/`react-dom` versions. -
Created a topic, Blank Email Message Body in Firefox When Initially Viewed, on the site Forums:
There's a bug in the current 2.2.83 version of this pl… -
Posted a reply to [FluentSMTP - WP SMTP Plugin with Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google and Any SMTP Provider] Wordfence Vulnerability Severity: 9.8/10.0 (Critical), on the site Forums:
Note that there is no known POP chain present in this plugin so it would… -
Posted a reply to Version 8.9.0 breaks the settings page and no options are present, on the site Forums:
I believe this issue was most likely caused by a cache-busting version parameter not being updated… -
Posted a reply to Blank Screen When Trying to Add a New Post, on the site Forums:
Clearing the CloudFlare cache (and then a Shift + refresh to clear my local browser… -
Posted a reply to Can not edit pages, posts or create new ones, on the site Forums:
Clearing the CloudFlare cache (and then a SHIFT + refresh to clear my local browser… -
Posted a reply to Customizer Problem since Update WP 6.7, on the site Forums:
Clearing CloudFlare cache (and then a SHIFT + refresh to clear local cache) also fixed… -
Posted a reply to Can’t Reprint Shipping Labels, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this reply, @shahzeenfarooq I understand your reasoning. However, generating a new label… -
Created a topic, Can’t Reprint Shipping Labels, on the site Forums:
The original "WooCommerce Shipping + Tax" plugin has a… -
Posted a reply to Breaks Coupon Field in WooCommerce Blocks Cart and Checkout, on the site Forums:
The problem appears to be solved in this latest version of the plugin. Thankyou! -
Posted a reply to Screen Options in WP Dashboard Disappears with update, on the site Forums:
I noticed the exact same issue on my sites after updating to the latest version… -
Posted a reply to Fields associated to WooCommerce orders with HPOS, on the site Forums:
I'm not sure that @polevaultweb would be able to reply on these forums any longer.… -
Posted a reply to Error Trying to Refund Past Orders, on the site Forums:
I noticed you'd released a new version! Good work. Thank you! The only blocker for… -
Created a topic, Breaks Coupon Field in WooCommerce Blocks Cart and Checkout, on the site Forums:
When the latest version of this Stripe Tax for WooComm… -
Posted a reply to Incompatible with Default WooCommerce Block-Based Checkout, on the site Forums:
Ok! I totally understand. I think it would be important to prioritize this as Blocks… -
Created a topic, Error Trying to Refund Past Orders, on the site Forums:
After installing the current version of this plugin (1… -
Created a topic, Incompatible with Default WooCommerce Block-Based Checkout, on the site Forums:
The default WooCommerce Cart and Checkout blocks displ… -
Created a topic, Add Custom Fonts in Block Editor with Non-Block-Based Themes, on the site Forums:
Excellent way to upload locally-hosted custom fonts in… -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
Thank you @hailite ! I just installed the dev branch and it worked beautifully. Looking… -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
That's great to hear @qtwrk ! Thank you! -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
Thank you, @thyran, for helping report this issue and @litetim and @qtwrk for trying to… -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
Ok, so I figured out the issue and have set up a staging site to… -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
I have confirmed that it is the following two lines of code added in LiteSpeed… -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
I've repeated these same steps with a brand new dev site with Divi and LiteSpeed… -
Posted a reply to Custom Locations Engines Don’t Save, on the site Forums:
You might want to check your plugins and make sure that the latest version of… -
Posted a reply to Custom Locations Engines Don’t Save, on the site Forums:
This issue has been resolved in the latest version of Woo Product Recommendations 4.0.2! -
Posted a reply to Always visible “add a discount code” form on the checkout page, on the site Forums:
This would be a very helpful feature to have! I just added a feature request… -
Posted a reply to Admin Bar Missing on front end Divi Sites, on the site Forums:
I'm having the same issue on a bunch of Divi sites after updating to this… -
Posted a reply to This plugin is incompatible with ‘High-Performance order storage’, on the site Forums:
Thank you! -
Created a topic, Custom Locations Engines Don’t Save, on the site Forums:
With the latest version of this plugin and Product Rec… -
Posted a reply to This plugin is incompatible with ‘High-Performance order storage’, on the site Forums:
I started getting this exact same error on all of my sites using the now-default… -
Posted a reply to Good to organise your code but slowed my website, on the site Forums:
@bungeshea Thank you for sharing about this work to load snippets directly from files instead… -
Posted a reply to Fields associated to WooCommerce orders with HPOS, on the site Forums:
Thank you! -
Posted a reply to “No Channel available” after update, on the site Forums:
I was having this same "No Channel available” message with no chat after updating to… -
Created a topic, Simple and easy DB edits, on the site Forums:
I was amazed at how simple and easy this plugin makes … -
Posted a reply to NO MORE SHARE COUNTS??, on the site Forums:
I received this response from Social Warfare Pro support: We have recently made the tough… -
Posted a reply to NO MORE SHARE COUNTS??, on the site Forums:
We've experienced the same issue with all three sites we host that use Social Warfare.… -
Posted a reply to Fields associated to WooCommerce orders with HPOS, on the site Forums:
I'm also curious if ACF Pro is planning to release an update with HPOS compatibility.… -
Created a topic, Need to Register “swarmify” Protocol after Elementor 3.19 Update, on the site Forums:
After updating to Elementor 3.19, the Elementor SmartV… -
Posted a reply to Start Verification issue!!!, on the site Forums:
I just found this and followed steps 7-8 to go to the wp_options database… -
Posted a reply to Start Verification issue!!!, on the site Forums:
I'm experiencing the exact same issue, with the verification process redirecting back to the WordPress… -
Created a topic, It just works, on the site Forums:
This is a simple 2-factor authentication plugin for Wo…