
  • Member Since: April 17th, 2022
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  • Created a topic, It does the job, on the site Forums:
    No fuss, no drama. It does the job.

  • Created a topic, Simple, but it works, on the site Forums:
    It does what it says in the description. I would ha…

  • Created a topic, Disappointed that I cannot evaluate the free version, on the site Forums:
    I so wanted this to work and to give it 5 stars becaus…

  • Posted a reply to Author bio-box not displaying, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. So, the free version of the app…

  • Created a topic, Author bio-box not displaying, on the site Forums:
    I have installed the current free version, which is 2.…

  • Created a topic, Same footnotes being shown for all posts, on the site Forums:
    I created three stand-alone blog posts, each with its …

  • Created a topic, Same footnotes displayed on all posts, on the site Forums:
    I have the current free version of CM Footnotes. I cre…

  • Created a topic, Shame it needed support from the developer to make it work, on the site Forums:
    I took the plunge and went for the pro version because…

  • Created a topic, Does not display, on the site Forums:
    This plugin looked ideal, but it did not display. Dele…

  • Posted a reply to It is free for a reason!, on the site Forums:
    Hello Glenn, I appreciate your feedback. I expected the free version to have limitations. I…

  • Created a topic, It is free for a reason!, on the site Forums:
    Maybe I was hoping for too much from a free plugin. I …