@robertkay on
- Member Since: June 30th, 2010
- Website:
Contribution History
robertkay’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Could not connect to Google Storage bucket, on the site Forums:
I'm having the exact same issue but psedik's solution isn't helping... Any ideas - have… -
Posted a reply to google storage not work, on the site Forums:
Yeah, same here... Would be awesome if I could get it working! -
Committed [1593800] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 0.7 -
Released a new plugin, MLL Audio Player MP3 Ajax
Committed [1593792] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Committed [1385608] to Plugins SVN:
Updated changelog -
Committed [1385604] to Plugins SVN:
0.6.1 -
Committed [1385595] to Plugins SVN:
0.6.1 -
Committed [1385553] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatibility and live demo/docs links as well as adding thankyou ... -
Committed [764193] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 0.6 -
Committed [764190] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin -
Committed [649002] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin -
Committed [649001] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin
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Active Installs: 40+
Simple Resources Plugin
Active Installs: 50+
Active Installs: 10+