@robert7k on
- Member Since: January 8th, 2019
Contribution History
robert7k’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, disable redirect for a specific product, on the site Forums:
I want to have a default redirect url for my shop for … -
Created a topic, security issues, on the site Forums:
Using the redirect with your shortcode is insecure: th… -
Created a topic, strange bug mentioning SLQ, on the site Forums:
server log mentions the following error: 2023/10/24… -
Created a topic, joomla to wordpress migration, on the site Forums:
I want to migrate from old (4.X) enterprise Joomla to … -
Posted a reply to regex redirect to other domain fails, on the site Forums:
ok... sorry. i get it. tickets IS a valid regex match, i've expected it to… -
Posted a reply to regex redirect to other domain fails, on the site Forums:
again... my regex expression is tickets (i enable regex just to enable substring match) my… -
Created a topic, [Redirection] regex redirect to other domain fails, on the site Forums:
i want to redirect all of the urls that contain a spec… -
Created a topic, conflict with sublanguage plugin, on the site Forums:
i want to use this plugin together with "sublanguage" … -
Posted a reply to importing multi language posts with metadata, on the site Forums:
Fixed in a future version. Thanks! -
Created a topic, compatabilty with Custom Permalinks plugins, on the site Forums:
I've tried sublanguage with the following plugins and … -
Posted a reply to importing multi language posts with metadata, on the site Forums:
p.s. this code doesn't do anything because of another bug (that requires specifying post_type) -… -
Created a topic, importing multi language posts with metadata, on the site Forums:
sublanguage_import_post hook currently ignores meta_in… -
Created a topic, problem with get_post_custom(), on the site Forums:
I try to use sublanguage with toolset, but on certain … -
Posted a reply to Get translated string, on the site Forums:
no idea about security. Yes, it was a typo. this is a part of the… -
Posted a reply to translate reply emails, on the site Forums:
yes, use the shortcode: -
Posted a reply to Get translated string, on the site Forums:
i'm waiting for a reply too. This hack kind-of works for me: $target_language = get_locale();… -
Created a topic, Just works out of the box with woocomerce too, on the site Forums:
Works great, including woocommerce. Doesn't slow down … -
Posted a reply to #!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettext error, on the site Forums:
it's a very old problem. It happens usually on sites that use translatepress + woocommerce… -
Posted a reply to Plugin error shown, on the site Forums:
This plugin shows many php notices/warning (on php 7.3 with notices/warnings enabled): on /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order Warning… -
Created a topic, Should be included with woocommerce by default, on the site Forums:
Should be included with woocommerce by default -
Created a topic, Edit RTL language pages when the admin is on English language, on the site Forums:
My website is in rtl language (Hebrew), but i prefer h… -
Posted a reply to Update to 3.0 breaks the checkout screen, on the site Forums:
upgrading from 2.9 to 3.1 (the latest version) still loses all of the settings. how… -
Created a topic, Customizing coupon codes, on the site Forums:
Is there a better way to customize the coupon codes? I… -
Created a topic, Does what it promises without extra bloat, on the site Forums:
Does what it promises without extra bloat. But missin… -
Created a topic, Update to 3.0 breaks the checkout screen, on the site Forums:
Updating to 3.0 loses the settings and REMOVES ALL OF … -
Created a topic, Do not update to 3.0!!!, on the site Forums:
Do not update to 3.0!!! Updating from 2.9 to 3.0 makes… -
Created a topic, Does what it promises,, on the site Forums:
Does what it promises, but doesn't help fighting the n… -
Created a topic, Developers documentation, on the site Forums:
Where can i find developers documentation? I need a w… -
Created a topic, Unable to edit past newsletters, on the site Forums:
Unable to edit past newsletters. On the old version on… -
Created a topic, Worst, on the site Forums:
Don't ever think about paying for the advanced version… -
Posted a reply to Can you make an entire group/section a link?, on the site Forums:
Move everything into a classic editor block and do it there. Just make sure you… -
Created a topic, Full of bugs – not ready for production, on the site Forums:
Try to add columns, inside them a classic editor and s… -
Created a topic, Links get translated despite having data-no-translation, on the site Forums:
Links get translated despite having data-no-translatio… -
Posted a reply to Not working with WPML?, on the site Forums:
similar issue with translatepress. In the secondary language all of the plugins are always loaded… -
Created a topic, Conflict with event tickets plugin, on the site Forums:
There is a conflict with event tickets plugin. Any adr… -
Posted a reply to #!trpst#trp-gettext Error When loads translated page, on the site Forums:
It happened again. found it in : table name: wp_options option_name: _transient_rocket_get_refreshed_fragments_cache option_value: {"fragments":{"div.widget_shopping_cart_content":"<div class=\"widget_shopping_cart_content\">\n\n\t<p… -
Posted a reply to Translations lost when editing original text, on the site Forums:
All of the translations are kept in the database in ..._trp_dictionary_... table , but there… -
Posted a reply to #!trpst#trp-gettext Error When loads translated page, on the site Forums:
i tried searching in the entire database for trpst, trp-gettext, data-trpgettextoriginal=1801, etc... (all of them).… -
Posted a reply to #!trpst#trp-gettext Error When loads translated page, on the site Forums:
i had the same problem too. solved it by searching the database for some words… -
Created a topic, know current language using php, on the site Forums:
I want to be able to determinate wich is the current l… -
Created a topic, Great plugin very powerful, on the site Forums:
Increases website preformance even while using poorly … -
Created a topic, Doesn’t work with latest wordpress, on the site Forums:
in scan results claims that p3 by itself uses 100% of …