

I’m a jack of all trades, with mastery in the Block Editor and back-end WordPress APIs. Typically, I am hanging out in my kitchen table coding, cooking, and coffee-ing. The outdoors are great, I especially love to go hike and run through forests and mountain areas, a bit away from the noise of everyday life.


Coding and researching new technologies, listening to metal, spending time with my family, hot yoga, bodyweight exercise, running, trying to play guitar, science and space research and news, coffee, games I can pause, environmental conservation, more coffee, D&D

WordPress Origin Story

In the beginning, my wife wrote a web comic and published it using ComicPress, which I helped her maintain around the time I was a systems admin at a hosting company. With a love for problem solving, this evolved into coding and helping grow her site until we had kids and no more time for hobbies 🙂
Professionally, I made the shift into web development, particularly building a variety of sites on WordPress. My first substantial WordPress project grew my agencies major financial services provider client over ~9 years from a single WordPress based marketing channel to an enterprise multi-channel news and blog platform on WordPress VIP.
My WordPress experience grew at Kanopi Studios where I led engineering efforts to streamline cross-agency management of theming and migrations.
These days, I am part of the 10up team crafting high-quality, performant solutions for our clients.

  • Member Since: March 10th, 2015
  • Location: Delaware
  • GitHub: rleeson
  • Job Title: Lead Web Engineer
  • Employer: 10up
  • Find me on:
  • Mentioned in [59064] on Core SVN:
    Date/Time, PHP Compat: Prevent type errors using GMT offset option.

  • Submitted pull request #5094 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
    GMT Offset Type Errors

  • Closed ticket #58986 on Core Trac:
    TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int *

  • Created ticket #31587 on Core Trac:
    Network functions used before they are intialized in default-filters.php, ...