Committed [3216317] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version -
Committed [3216316] to Plugins SVN:
Version Minor security fixes -
Committed [3216303] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.9.8 -
Committed [3216302] to Plugins SVN:
Version 0.9.8 update: Fix XSS vulnerability, update admin area language -
Committed [3149850] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.9.7 -
Committed [3149849] to Plugins SVN:
Version 0.9.7 update: default embed widget renders correctly -
Committed [3147605] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 0.9.6 -
Committed [3147604] to Plugins SVN:
removed incomplete tag 0.9.6 -
Committed [3147599] to Plugins SVN:
Version 0.9.6 update: proper escaping, no direct file access, ... -
Committed [3147534] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.9.6 -
Committed [3147533] to Plugins SVN:
Update logo and description: 0.9.6 -
Committed [3147442] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.9.5 -
Committed [3147435] to Plugins SVN:
Version 0.9.6 update: minor updates -
Committed [2326789] to Plugins SVN:
0.9.4: Tweak snippet code -
Committed [2258921] to Plugins SVN:
0.9.2: Fix console 404 in admin. Tested up to WP 5.4 -
Committed [2183848] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.2: Fix edge case -
Committed [2180173] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 5.3 -
Committed [2128731] to Plugins SVN:
Tag v0.9.1 -
Committed [2128728] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.1: Add support for checking current page, in addition to current post -
Committed [2125347] to Plugins SVN:
Add icon -
Committed [2125334] to Plugins SVN:
Tag v0.9.0 -
Committed [2125332] to Plugins SVN: