

Hello Everyone,

My name is Tyler, I’m a senior web developer working in Minneapolis, MN. I come with almost 5 years of professional web development and dev-ops experience. I have built websites of all sizes and types; however I mainly specialize in WordPress.

WordPress is my bread and butter, and I feel like I can make anything possible within it. But that doesn’t mean I shy away from other projects. Throughout my years I have used WordPress, Magento 2, Symfony, and loads of other Content Management Systems and Frameworks. I can do both frontend and backend development. Some of the frontend technologies and frameworks that I’ve used are React, VueJS, AngularJS, Angular, BackboneJS, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript. While I’m strictly just a PHP and MySQL Developer for backend, that doesn’t mean I won’t shy away from trying to use Java or any other programming language.

Thank you,


PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, WordPress, Sports

WordPress Origin Story

I was introduced to WordPress in 2013 at my first development job. Before then, I always thought WordPress wasn’t a great platform (probably because I didn’t understand how great it was) and that I thought I could build custom scripts that were better. When I started at my first dev job my whole opinion on WordPress changed. I, now, prefer to only develop for WordPress and nothing else because it’s such a power CMS/Framework.

  • Member Since: February 11th, 2013
  • Location: Eden Prairie, MN
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Senior Web Developer
  • Employer: MJ Kretsinger
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Phone number, and file attachment fields not working, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, I didn't see this come in sooner. I will try and take a look…

  • Committed [1718884] to Plugins SVN:
    pushing readme fixes

  • Committed [1718873] to Plugins SVN:
    tagging version 1.2

  • Committed [1718872] to Plugins SVN:
    Updating to version 1.2 and bug fixes

  • Committed [1718522] to Plugins SVN:
    updated readme

  • Committed [1718498] to Plugins SVN:
    added icons and screenshots

  • Committed [1718496] to Plugins SVN:
    updated readme

  • Committed [1718495] to Plugins SVN:
    updated readme

  • Committed [1718493] to Plugins SVN:
    updated readme

  • Committed [1718492] to Plugins SVN:
    tagging version 1.1

  • Committed [1718491] to Plugins SVN:
    Pushing 1.1 up to repo

  • Committed [1249293] to Plugins SVN:
    Update tag number

  • Committed [1249292] to Plugins SVN:
    Update stable number to see if screenshots show up.

  • Committed [1248968] to Plugins SVN:
    Update readme to show screenshots.

  • Committed [1248960] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding screenshots and new readme

  • Committed [1248957] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding screenshots and new readme

  • Committed [1248956] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding screenshots

  • Committed [1248937] to Plugins SVN:
    Updated readme.txt

  • Released a new plugin, Quick Post Change

  • Committed [1248934] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging version 1.0

  • Committed [1248932] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of the plugin

  • Wrote a comment on the post WP REST API: Version 2.0 Beta 1, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Thanks for the update! I played with version 1 quite a bit. Excited to see…