@redwoodcity on
- Member Since: June 23rd, 2014
- Employer: Redwoodcity Inc.
Contribution History
Redwoodcity’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 3 strings on
Committed [2977144] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.1 upload Refactoring -
Committed [2977140] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.0 upload -
Committed [2975675] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.2 Update Text correction & Refactoring -
Committed [2975671] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.2 Upload Text correction 2 -
Committed [2975670] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.2 Upload Text correction -
Committed [2975668] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.2 Upload Text correction -
Committed [2975667] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.2 Upload Text correction -
Committed [2975663] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.2 Upload Text correction -
Committed [2523209] to Plugins SVN:
Fix the URL of the plug-in site. -
Committed [2516255] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.5.1 release -
Committed [2514305] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2289488] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.5.0 release -
Committed [2281368] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [2281366] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.4.0 -
Committed [2269638] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [2269636] to Plugins SVN:
varsion 1.3.0 release -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for QR Code Management(plugin), on the site Translate WordPress:
Thanks -
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for QR Code Management(plugin), on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for -- - QR Code Management and… -
Committed [2253350] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt修正 -
Committed [2253349] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt修正 -
Committed [2253347] to Plugins SVN:
redme.txt修正 -
Committed [2253346] to Plugins SVN:
バージョン1.0.0 -
Committed [2203474] to Plugins SVN:
バージョン1.2.0リリース -
Committed [2186723] to Plugins SVN:
redme.txt 修正 -
Committed [2186710] to Plugins SVN:
バージョン1.1.0リリース -
Committed [2185938] to Plugins SVN:
プラグインサイトURL変更 -
Committed [2184878] to Plugins SVN:
アイコン追加 -
Committed [2184872] to Plugins SVN:
アイコン変更 -
Committed [2184822] to Plugins SVN:
アイコン追加 -
Committed [2184058] to Plugins SVN:
テキストドメインリンク変更 -
Committed [2184054] to Plugins SVN:
翻訳ファイル更新 -
Committed [2184051] to Plugins SVN:
翻訳ファイル更新 -
Committed [2184048] to Plugins SVN:
不要ファイル削除 -
Committed [2184045] to Plugins SVN:
テキスト変更 -
Committed [2184030] to Plugins SVN:
不要ファイル削除 -
Committed [2184025] to Plugins SVN:
バージョン1.0アップロード -
Committed [1108284] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 4.1.1 -
Committed [1108281] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: -
Committed [1108279] to Plugins SVN:
リードミー更新 -
Committed [1108276] to Plugins SVN:
管理画面更新タグ1.1 -
Committed [1108274] to Plugins SVN:
不要ファイル削除 -
Committed [1108272] to Plugins SVN:
移動 -
Committed [1108269] to Plugins SVN:
管理画面作成 -
Committed [1108265] to Plugins SVN:
1.1更新 -
Committed [1108260] to Plugins SVN:
管理画面作成 プラグインを有効するか・無効にするか設定できるようになった。 -
Committed [1108253] to Plugins SVN:
管理画面設定追加 -
Created ticket #22115 on Themes Trac:
THEME: MF-RedPress - 1.0.0 -
Committed [938597] to Plugins SVN:
change -
Committed [938593] to Plugins SVN:
tags commit
QR Code Management
Active Installs: 30+
WP Notepad
Active Installs: 30+
日本語 (Japanese) Plugins Translation Editor - #ja
QR Code Management
Active Installs: 30+
WP Notepad
Active Installs: 30+