@reaperhulk on
- Member Since: January 22nd, 2009
- Website:
Contribution History
reaperhulk’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
Committed [352554] to Plugins SVN:
0.6.1 tagged for release. fixes local backup bug -
Mentioned in [15086] on Core SVN:
Reinstate the custom chmod value in FtpExt. -
Mentioned in [13283] on Core SVN:
Allow Deletion of Media Alt text. -
Created ticket #12165 on Core Trac:
Edit media form has get variables in action -
Mentioned in [13001] on Core SVN:
Use rename() if possible in WP_Filesystem_Direct::move(). -
Mentioned in [12997] on Core SVN:
Fix recursive chmod for WP_Filesystem. -
Created ticket #12150 on Core Trac:
Improved move method for WP_Filesystem_Direct -
Committed [200889] to Plugins SVN:
2.3 released -
Committed [193462] to Plugins SVN:
fidgetr 2.2 release -
Committed [188582] to Plugins SVN:
0.99 release -
Committed [188488] to Plugins SVN:
2.1.4 released -
Committed [187466] to Plugins SVN:
2.1.3 release -
Committed [182427] to Plugins SVN:
correct a typo -
Committed [182426] to Plugins SVN:
0.98 release -
Committed [181430] to Plugins SVN:
cdn tools 0.97 release. ssl fix -
Committed [179788] to Plugins SVN:
0.96 release -
Committed [179787] to Plugins SVN:
0.96 tag -
Committed [179005] to Plugins SVN:
fidgetr 2.1.2 release -
Committed [170681] to Plugins SVN:
fidgetr 2.1.1 release -
Committed [169296] to Plugins SVN:
2.1 release -
Committed [168823] to Plugins SVN:
most, if not all, of 2.1. don't want to release now though -
Committed [168138] to Plugins SVN:
fidgetr 2.0. major release -
Committed [166929] to Plugins SVN:
fix -
Committed [166928] to Plugins SVN:
what the hell -
Committed [166926] to Plugins SVN:
cf api 1.5.1 upgrade + wp2.8.5 compat marker -
Committed [166438] to Plugins SVN:
1.3.5 release -
Committed [164970] to Plugins SVN:
0.94 release -
Committed [164069] to Plugins SVN:
what the hell. -
Committed [164068] to Plugins SVN:
1.3.4 release -
Committed [161722] to Plugins SVN:
0.93. fixes for relative/absolute pathing -
Committed [160815] to Plugins SVN:
0.92 release -
Committed [160603] to Plugins SVN:
0.91 is pretty much ready. tag tomorrow. wp 2.8 compatibility...finally -
Committed [146988] to Plugins SVN:
1.3.3 tagged for release -
Committed [117768] to Plugins SVN:
1.2 release