
  • Member Since: January 30th, 2012
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  • Posted a reply to Event Manager datepicker is broken, on the site Forums:
    Resolving the conflict with the theme fixed the problem. Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Event Manager datepicker is broken, on the site Forums:
    Yes. I ran WP Safe Mode with only the Events Manager plugin active, and the…

  • Created a topic, Event Manager datepicker is broken, on the site Forums:
    This topic was marked resolved, but it hasn't been res…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t manually add bookings, on the site Forums:
    Ah, bummer. Thanks for answering that.

  • Created a topic, Can’t manually add bookings, on the site Forums:
    The documentation says I should be able to manually ad…

  • Posted a reply to Change name of default ticket?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! That did it. This is why a list of filter and action hooks would…

  • Created a topic, Change name of default ticket?, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to change the default name of the ticke…

  • Posted a reply to Basic info on plugin’s hook, filters and objects?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, I should have seen that. Also figured out how to do a custom placeholder,…

  • Created a topic, Basic info on plugin’s hook, filters and objects?, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I'm trying to do some minor customizations (like c…

  • Committed [499996] to Plugins SVN:
    deleting duplicate files

  • Committed [499989] to Plugins SVN:
    Adds code to create set of links on activation, ability to handle unusual ...

  • Committed [498296] to Plugins SVN:
    further corrections to readme.txt

  • Committed [498289] to Plugins SVN:
    updated readme.txt

  • Committed [498262] to Plugins SVN:
    adding first version of plugin