Thomas Gravel
@rateitcool on
- Member Since: September 16th, 2015
- Location: Stuttgart, Germany
- Website:
- Job Title: Managing Director
- Employer: Cool Services UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Committed [1748318] to Plugins SVN:
Version: 1.0.3 add new features and update pricing -
Committed [1748317] to Plugins SVN:
add UG and right version -
Committed [1748316] to Plugins SVN:
delete wrong tag -
Committed [1748310] to Plugins SVN:
Version: 1.0.3 add new features and update pricing -
Committed [1748309] to Plugins SVN:
add UG -
Committed [1748307] to Plugins SVN:
Version: 1.0.3 add new features and update pricing -
Committed [1748301] to Plugins SVN:
add new images -
Committed [1298995] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.2: Public review form, Detail Review Values -
Committed [1298994] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.2: public review form, detail review -
Committed [1253367] to Plugins SVN:
GTIN as the global number -
Committed [1253364] to Plugins SVN:
change ean field to gtin and zero filled the value -
Committed [1251204] to Plugins SVN:
justify -
Committed [1250271] to Plugins SVN:
plugin assets -
Committed [1250261] to Plugins SVN:
add assets for plugin -
Committed [1250260] to Plugins SVN:
icons -
Committed [1250249] to Plugins SVN:
banner changes -
Committed [1250192] to Plugins SVN:
move banner -
Committed [1250189] to Plugins SVN:
add banner -
Released a new plugin, Product Reviews from for Woocommerce
Committed [1250160] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit