@rakesh007 on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 19th, 2014
- Location: India
Contribution History
Rakessh’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1984920] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1982008] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1981285] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1981276] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixed -
Committed [1981253] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1981223] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1980605] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1980416] to Plugins SVN:
banners updated -
Committed [1980394] to Plugins SVN:
screenshots updated -
Committed [1980388] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1980386] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1980385] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1979487] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1979485] to Plugins SVN:
plugin upload -
Committed [1952484] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1952482] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1952481] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1952478] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1952477] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949729] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949723] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949716] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949708] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949703] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949699] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949698] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1949693] to Plugins SVN:
banners updated -
Committed [1949684] to Plugins SVN:
ads24 lite updated -
Committed [1924471] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated -
Committed [1924463] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924460] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924458] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924457] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924454] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924447] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924440] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924438] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1924437] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated -
Committed [1924433] to Plugins SVN:
update plugin files -
Committed [1921575] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [1921511] to Plugins SVN:
read me updated -
Committed [1908630] to Plugins SVN:
read me updated -
Committed [1882335] to Plugins SVN:
read me updated -
Committed [1882334] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated -
Committed [1875271] to Plugins SVN:
banner updated -
Committed [1875254] to Plugins SVN:
banners updated -
Committed [1875251] to Plugins SVN:
donation link updated -
Committed [1875248] to Plugins SVN:
title updated -
Committed [1875222] to Plugins SVN:
banners updated -
Committed [1875211] to Plugins SVN:
banner updated
CF7NXT Lite - Contact Form 7 Save Into Database Plugin By Witoni Software
Active Installs: Less than 10
Multi Step Form Plugin
Active Installs: 10+
Multi Step Registration Form Plugin
Active Installs: 10+