Nicolas Juen
@rahe on, @Nicolas JUEN on Slack
- Member Since: August 5th, 2010
- Location: Strasbourg
- Website:
- GitHub: Rahe
- Job Title: CTO
- Employer: Be API
Contribution History
Nicolas Juen’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Photo Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- WordCamp Speaker
Posted a reply to 3.2.4 is not pushed from GitHub, on the site Forums:
Hello, There was an issue on the github action, this have been fixed now :)… -
Committed [3229238] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 3.2.4 from GitHub -
Wrote a comment on the post New block type registration APIs to improve performance in WordPress 6.7, on the site Make WordPress Core:
This could be great, theme.json files are getting bigger and bigger. -
Wrote a comment on the post New block type registration APIs to improve performance in WordPress 6.7, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hi, Is this will be implemented for the theme.json ? Isn't it easier now to… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Bretagne 2024
Posted a reply to PHP 8.0, on the site Forums:
Hello, Sorry but PHP 7.4 is end of life since january 2023 and 8.0 is… -
Committed [3097811] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 3.2.3 from GitHub -
Created issue #61684 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
FlatTermSelector do not work with other object ID -
Mentioned in [56392] on Core SVN:
Editor: Only exclude auto-generated block files from coding standards checks. -
Wrote a comment on the post Admin Design Kickoff, on the site Make WordPress Design:
While visualising all the screens and proposals, one thing hit me : all the animations,… -
Wrote a comment on the post Admin Design, on the site Make WordPress Core:
+1 This is a huge piece to be done before moving on. Do not repeat… -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal for enhancing LCP image performance with the fetchpriority attribute in WordPress core, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hello, Understood, but my point is : We could have implemented a new layer on… -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal for enhancing LCP image performance with the fetchpriority attribute in WordPress core, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hello, I understand this point of view and had consulted this article. This one is… -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal for enhancing LCP image performance with the fetchpriority attribute in WordPress core, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hi, I do not fully understand why the preload mecanism have not been more considered.… -
Created issue #392 in the wp-cli/entity-command repository:
Error when executing Site_Command::create -
Committed [2850462] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 3.2.2 from GitHub -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal: Amend the Inline Documentation Standards for multi-line comments, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I'm also not a fan, the /* annonces directly that this is a comment block… -
Submitted pull request #2644 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Do not scan auto-generated files for editor bloc assets -
Mentioned in [53036] on Core SVN:
Comments: Improve performance of the `wp_count_comments` function. -
Mentioned in [52699] on Core SVN:
I18n: Standardize the script paths for blocks -
Created ticket #54797 on Core Trac:
Allow languages path in register_block_type -
Created issue #425 in the WordPress/two-factor repository:
Use hash_equals for email -
Created ticket #54734 on Core Trac:
Allow get_file_path_from_theme filterable like get_theme_file_path -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal for a Performance team, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hi, How to be involved into this team ? I'm pretty much interested into participate… -
Created a topic, Notice when wp-content isn’t the content folder, on the site Forums:
Hello, On : classes/ext.php:109 you have the code : $… -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal: Native TypeScript support in Gutenberg, on the site Make WordPress Core:
That's great that TypeScript is a solid trend. As said, this is one side of… -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal: Native TypeScript support in Gutenberg, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I'm joining your message, the snippets are hard to read. I'm currently learning Gutenberg throug… -
Posted a reply to Roles updates at each load, on the site Forums:
Hello, It seems to have disapeared, maybe a problem during the option update. Nicolas, -
Mentioned in [50266] on Core SVN:
Posts, Post Types: Clarify the documentation about the return value of `get_post()` when a falsey value is passed. -
Posted a reply to Roles updates at each load, on the site Forums:
Hello, Sorry, I have not checked this right now. I will do it soon. Nicolas, -
Created a topic, Roles updates at each load, on the site Forums:
Hello, At each load of the plugin, the roles are upda… -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 5.7: What’s on your wishlist?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Merge : Consider : Consider new filter : -
Posted a reply to Remove SHOW TABLES calls, on the site Forums:
Hello, This is great news, thank you very much :) I'm looking forward for the… -
Mentioned in [48054] on Core SVN:
I18N: Add i18n to `size_format()`. -
Posted a reply to Remove SHOW TABLES calls, on the site Forums:
Great to hear this :) -
Posted a reply to Remove SHOW TABLES calls, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have 3101 tables for 59 sites, these calls can take 100ms of query… -
Created a topic, Remove SHOW TABLES calls, on the site Forums:
Hello, On large multis-sites the "SHOW TABLES" call c… -
Created ticket #50195 on Core Trac:
Default esc_url scheme -
Created ticket #50194 on Core Trac:
Add i18n to size_format -
Mentioned in [47086] on Core SVN:
Mail: Remove angle brackets from password reset URL in emails sent by `retrieve_password()` and `wp_new_user_notification()`. -
Mentioned in [46333] on Core SVN:
Options: `register_uninstall_hook()` causes large amounts of unnecessary option updates. -
Created a topic, Ob_end_flush not resolved, on the site Forums:
Hello, In the issue… -
Committed [2085192] to Plugins SVN:
Remove useless files, change readme to 5.2.0 for the supported version -
Posted a reply to Work fine with WP 5.x, on the site Forums:
Hello, This is because I didn't change the "Tested up to" header, the current value… -
Committed [2084938] to Plugins SVN:
Add 3.2.1 version -
Committed [2084935] to Plugins SVN:
Add vendor folder -
Committed [2084933] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.2.1 -
Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
This is a great plugin and I encourage to install the … -
Created ticket #46719 on Core Trac:
fastcgi_finish_request usage in wp-cron.php and 3party plugins -
Posted a reply to Regenerate thumbnails of images offloaded to AWS S3, on the site Forums:
Hello I'm only using the WordPress API's to do this, in my opinion this is…
Simple Image Sizes
Active Installs: 70,000+
Simple Responsive Images
Active Installs: 100+
BEAPI - Maintenance Mode
Active Installs: 90+
Multisite Shared Blocks
Active Installs: Less than 10
Recommend to a friend
Active Installs: 70+
Relations Post Types
Active Installs: 300+
Total photo contributions: 2
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