Committed [3023604] to Plugins SVN:
Updated wordpress supported version -
Committed [2892094] to Plugins SVN:
removing wp default ssl option -
Committed [2887829] to Plugins SVN:
updated service worker & manifest files -
Committed [2880018] to Plugins SVN:
updated wordpress Vulnerability -
Committed [2870749] to Plugins SVN:
code fix done -
Committed [2867349] to Plugins SVN:
removed deprecated functions -
Committed [2720201] to Plugins SVN:
Supported latest version of WP -
Committed [2626091] to Plugins SVN:
plugin updates -
Committed [2607049] to Plugins SVN:
Tested for latest version Upto 5.8.1 -
Committed [2565780] to Plugins SVN:
Supported to wordpress latest version -
Committed [2565776] to Plugins SVN:
Tested Up to latest version of wordpress -
Committed [2538834] to Plugins SVN:
Regular Update -
Posted a reply to [Push Notifications for WordPress by PushAssist] Curiousity question: integration with classified plugins?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, For now, you can use PushAssist plugin for sending notifications like the latest published… -
Posted a reply to [Push Notifications for WordPress by PushAssist] Kills Elementor and doesn’t send notifications, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, We have updated our plugin, you can reinstall our plugin back and start using. -
Committed [2479036] to Plugins SVN:
Wordpress supported version updated -
Committed [2479025] to Plugins SVN:
Updated WordPress Supported Version -
Posted a reply to [Push Notifications for WordPress by PushAssist] I am getting the error Cannot read property ‘open’ of undefined, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, Can you please provide your website URL, we’ll take a look and let you… -
Committed [2411457] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Version -
Committed [2408308] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt Updated -
Committed [2408238] to Plugins SVN:
Resolved Post Update Notification sent issue -
Committed [2405922] to Plugins SVN:
notification sent while new post publish issue resolved -
Committed [2405363] to Plugins SVN:
edit auto post notification sent resolved -
Committed [2398924] to Plugins SVN:
Latest Changes related to Auto Post Notification -
Committed [2397277] to Plugins SVN:
Resolve notification sent issue while new post published or update -
Posted a reply to [Push Notifications for WordPress by PushAssist] Problem after upgrading to 3.0.1 on WP 5.5.1, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you for notifying the warnings you have noticed on your server, we have fixed… -
Committed [2396852] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed few issues related to UI and PHP warnings. -
Committed [2396131] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt changes for Special Offer. -
Committed [2396128] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt Changes to accommodate text. -
Committed [2396126] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt Changes -
Committed [2395590] to Plugins SVN:
removed images -
Committed [2395587] to Plugins SVN:
removed unwanted css & JS -
Committed [2395438] to Plugins SVN:
opt-in setting changes -
Committed [2395430] to Plugins SVN:
auto SSL subscription done -
Committed [2395403] to Plugins SVN:
option setting changes -
Committed [2395374] to Plugins SVN:
admin css added and dashboard stat box issue resolve -
Committed [2395365] to Plugins SVN:
Css updated -
Committed [2395355] to Plugins SVN:
Released Version 3.0.1 with enhanced functionality and user interface. -
Committed [2366609] to Plugins SVN:
AMP Ready -
Committed [2357272] to Plugins SVN:
Updated README.txt -
Committed [2357266] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed the compatibility with WP 5.5 -
Committed [2324400] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2261841] to Plugins SVN:
regular update -
Committed [2221664] to Plugins SVN:
resolve quick edit notification send issue, broken link update send ... -
Committed [2184043] to Plugins SVN:
Class file changed -
Committed [2125355] to Plugins SVN:
Auto Send Post Published notification issue resolved -
Posted a reply to Push notifications not sent when one option is disabled, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, We would love to tell you that there is two options 1 is when… -
Committed [2105675] to Plugins SVN:
Segment creation issue resolve -
Committed [2072570] to Plugins SVN:
Latest WordPress Version supported -
Committed [2049007] to Plugins SVN:
Regular Update -
Committed [2014944] to Plugins SVN:
Compatible with WordPress Version 5.0.3