@psmagicman on
- Member Since: January 2nd, 2013
Contribution History
psmagicman’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [680621] to Plugins SVN:
added more tags... attempt 1 at fixing formatting of description -
Committed [680617] to Plugins SVN:
added more dontent to the description section and the faq section -
Committed [680607] to Plugins SVN:
fixed screenshot naming -
Committed [680143] to Plugins SVN:
added another contributor to the readme -
Committed [680140] to Plugins SVN:
fixed the readme again sorry if people downloaded it already -
Committed [680135] to Plugins SVN:
fixed the readme formatting -
Committed [680132] to Plugins SVN:
added screenshots to the tagging branch -
Committed [680131] to Plugins SVN:
Added screenshots of the plugin -
Committed [680122] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Committed [680118] to Plugins SVN:
Added stable version tagging to the readme for release -
Committed [680110] to Plugins SVN:
initial v1 commit to wordpress svn
Global Javascript
Active Installs: 200+