@pseric on and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: March 1st, 2006
- Location: Taiwan
- Website:
- Job Title: WordPress Guru
- Employer: WordPress Taiwan 正體中文
Contribution History
Pseric’s badges:- Support Contributor
- Support Team
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
- WordCamp Speaker
Translated 1 string on
Translated 11 strings on
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Taipei 2018
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Taipei 2018
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.9 “Tipton”, on the site Taiwan 正體中文:
大幅更新自訂功能、程式碼錯誤檢查和更多! 🎉 WordPress 4.9 命名為「Tipton」,以紀念爵士音… -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.8 “Evans”, on the site Taiwan 正體中文:
此次更新,深得你心 準備好使用更直覺的 WordPress 吧! WordPress 4.8 版命名為「Eva… -
Wrote a comment on the post @pser…, on the site Chinese (Taiwan) Team 正體中文團隊:
Ok, 可以了。 -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan”, on the site Taiwan 正體中文:
WordPress 4.7 版命名為「Vaughan」,以紀念傳奇爵士歌手 Sarah "Sassy" Vau… -
Wrote a new post, Hello all,, on the site Chinese (Taiwan) Team 正體中文團隊:
WordPress 4.7 介紹影片的中文翻譯已經由 @mrmu 完成!同時包含正體中文及簡體中文兩部分,非常… -
Wrote a comment on the post BuddyPress PTE request, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello @petya, I've added @kaiconan as a PTE for all projects in Chinese (Taiwan), thanks.… -
Wrote a new post, Hello…, on the site Chinese (Taiwan) Team:
Hello world! 這裡啟用了,@mxp & @southp 是兩位編輯,歡迎。(是說 @mxp… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hueman theme PTE request., on the site Translate WordPress:
Done. Regards, Pseric -
Wrote a comment on the post Please add me as editor of the Chinese…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi, I've added you to bbPress 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x project, thanks for help. Regards,… -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.6.1 安全與維護版本釋出, on the site Taiwan 正體中文:
WordPress 4.6.1 現已推出。這是一個針對先前版本所釋出的重大安全性更新,我們強烈建議應該立即更新… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi Polyglots I’m the theme author of https…, on the site Translate WordPress:
#zh_TW done. :) -
Wrote a comment on the post Please add me as editor of the Ukrainian…, on the site Translate WordPress:
@kaiconan Added, thank you for joining us! -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.6 “Pepper”, on the site Taiwan 正體中文:
WordPress 4.6 版命名為「Pepper」,以紀念偉大的爵士樂薩克斯風手派伯·亞當斯(本名 Park… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello I’m the plugin author for My…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Ok, done. -
Wrote a comment on the post Automated package build process for WordPress 4.5, on the site Translate WordPress:
Package for #zh_TW is releases automatically. -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.5 Hard String Freeze, on the site Translate WordPress:
#zh_TW is 100%, done. -
Wrote a comment on the post Howdy Polyglots I’m one of the plugin authors…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Invited sent to @gordon168 and @neltseng (zh_TW).
AddToAny Share Buttons
Breeze - WordPress Cache Plugin
Cache Enabler
Disable Comments - Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
EWWW Image Optimizer
Google Authenticator
Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
LazyLoad Plugin – Lazy Load Images, Videos, and Iframes
Lightweight Social Icons
LiteSpeed Cache
Nobs • Share Buttons
Optimus - WordPress Image Optimizer
Performance Lab
Proxy Cache Purge
Rublon Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Simple Social Icons
TinyPNG - JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression
Website Pop-up Builder by BDOW! (formerly Sumo): Pop-ups + forms for email opt-ins and lead generation
XX2WP Integration Tools