@psdcovers on
- Member Since: December 7th, 2011
Contribution History
PSDCovers’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [516047] to Plugins SVN:
Nextpage description fix -
Committed [516041] to Plugins SVN:
Nextpage screenshot of toolbars -
Committed [516040] to Plugins SVN:
Nextpage readme -
Committed [516039] to Plugins SVN:
Nextpage plugin -
Committed [516036] to Plugins SVN:
Nextpage css, unused for this revision but has a little commented out ... -
Committed [516035] to Plugins SVN:
Nextpage banner -
Committed [510858] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse docs update. Holy crap I screwed up the code example. ... -
Committed [508216] to Plugins SVN:
Readme updated for keywords and made simpler -
Committed [508027] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Readme, hopefully final update -
Committed [508024] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Plugin PHP description update -
Committed [508015] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Readme Updated to look cleaner, part 2 -
Committed [508013] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Readme Updated to look cleaner -
Committed [507972] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Readme -
Committed [507971] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Plugin PHP -
Committed [507970] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse JS -
Committed [507969] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse CSS -
Committed [507968] to Plugins SVN:
Adjustly Collapse Banner
Adjustly Nextpage
Active Installs: 100+