@prometeocoaching on
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: March 21st, 2018
- Location: Pescara
- Website:
- Job Title: Scuola e Corsi di Coaching
- Employer: VOLO S.r.l.
Contribution History
prometeocoaching’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2485881] to Plugins SVN:
new icon for the store -
Committed [1960478] to Plugins SVN:
last update readme -
Committed [1960477] to Plugins SVN:
New version of readme -
Committed [1960474] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme with stable version 5.0 -
Committed [1960473] to Plugins SVN:
Update Stable version 5.0 -
Committed [1871304] to Plugins SVN:
new faq voice in readme file -
Committed [1871303] to Plugins SVN:
Upload new header high resolution banner -
Committed [1871301] to Plugins SVN:
upload new header banner -
Committed [1870653] to Plugins SVN:
new screenshot-4 (modified) -
Committed [1870520] to Plugins SVN:
upload banner 772 -
Committed [1870514] to Plugins SVN:
update readme file (italian translate) -
Committed [1870510] to Plugins SVN:
upload header and screenshot -
Committed [1870508] to Plugins SVN:
Upload graphic header, screenshot and new icon -
Committed [1868739] to Plugins SVN:
5 aggiornamento errori grammaticali readme.txt -
Committed [1868717] to Plugins SVN:
aggiornamento icon svg -
Committed [1868714] to Plugins SVN:
4 aggiornamento readme.txt -
Committed [1868705] to Plugins SVN:
aggiornamento icona del plugin in svg -
Committed [1868703] to Plugins SVN:
3 aggiornamento del readme.txt -
Committed [1868700] to Plugins SVN:
nuovo aggiornamento readme.txt -
Committed [1868694] to Plugins SVN:
modifica icona svg -
Committed [1868690] to Plugins SVN:
modifica del file readme.txt -
Committed [1868681] to Plugins SVN:
uploads the image, icon and screenshot -
Committed [1868679] to Plugins SVN:
define the tags version -
Committed [1868676] to Plugins SVN:
Upload every files
iCoach - Motore di Ricerca sul Coaching
Active Installs: Less than 10