Prafulla Kumar Sahu
@prafulla on
- Member Since: April 6th, 2016
Contribution History
Prafulla Kumar Sahu’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, Disable contact form conditionally., on the site Forums:
I want to disable contact form 7 form for "amp pages",… -
Created a topic, How to remove contact form 7 from amp pages?, on the site Forums:
I would like remove contact form 7 forms from all amp … -
Created a topic, Getting asynchronous disabled scripts asynchronized, on the site Forums:
I have listed out wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js wp-… -
Posted a reply to How uploads/kirki-css is used?, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this info. -
Created a topic, How uploads/kirki-css is used?, on the site Forums:
Hi Aristeides, I would like to know how uploads/kirki… -
Created a topic, Can you please let me know if I can reorder the elements?, on the site Forums:
Can you please let me know, if there is any way to mod… -
Created a topic, Suggestion: A checkbox field to fields to hide the field from flamingo, on the site Forums:
Hi Again Takayuki Miyoshi, I had posted earlier about… -
Posted a reply to How to add support for new field, on the site Forums:
I made it worked. -
Posted a reply to Suggestion, on the site Forums:
This is done. -
Posted a reply to Suggestion, on the site Forums:
With recent updates flamingo_add_inbound is able to do the job. -
Posted a reply to Issue regarding new flamingo_htmlize filter, on the site Forums:
It can be done with current filter, I did it with some modification and another… -
Posted a reply to Why auto optimize creates so large cache file?, on the site Forums:
Thank you so much Frank. -
Posted a reply to Will this only clear cache from autooptimize or will remove all chache?, on the site Forums:
Thank you so much Frank, lots of love <3. -
Posted a reply to Why auto optimize creates so large cache file?, on the site Forums:
Thank you Frank, I gone through you blog for around 5/6 hrs and loved it.… -
Created a topic, Will this only clear cache from autooptimize or will remove all chache?, on the site Forums:
I want to clean only the cache generated by autoptimiz… -
Posted a reply to Why auto optimize creates so large cache file?, on the site Forums:
Hi Frank, thank you for your kind reply again. I will follow your suggestion and… -
Posted a reply to Why auto optimize creates so large cache file?, on the site Forums:
I got this yourr blog post got some idea, but not able to solve it… -
Created a topic, Why auto optimize creates so large cache file?, on the site Forums:
I am using auto optimize 2.2.2 and the cache file is g… -
Posted a reply to How I cna display the preview snippet some where else?, on the site Forums:
Hi Michal sorry about posting in multiple places, but I would like to know if… -
Posted a reply to Why autooptimize is not optimizing few scripts, on the site Forums:
In this time, I have tried adding defer to those scripts using script_loader_tag filter and… -
Created a topic, How I cna display the preview snippet some where else?, on the site Forums:
Hi, thank you and congratulations for this awesome plu… -
Posted a reply to Why autooptimize is not optimizing few scripts, on the site Forums:
Hi Frank, thank you for your reply again, but my question was reverse, the JS-file… -
Posted a reply to Why autooptimize is not optimizing few scripts, on the site Forums:
Hi Frank, thank you so much for your kind reply. Can you give me more… -
Created a topic, Why autooptimize is not optimizing few scripts, on the site Forums:
Hi, I am using Wordpress 4.8.2 and airpro theme. In … -
Created a topic, Above the fold Js setting to ignore list and remove list are not working, on the site Forums:
I have listed few JS files on 'pagespeed-javascript' p… -
Created a topic, Default variation is not set by default, on the site Forums:
In my site stilolinea ingeo kuglepen i bioplast med tr… -
Posted a reply to How this plugin is deciding the sequence?, on the site Forums:
Sorry for late reply and thank you. -
Created a topic, How I can post the posts to my page instead of my personal profile?, on the site Forums:
Is there any way, I can post the posts to the page ass… -
Created a topic, How this plugin is deciding the sequence, for me, it is loading style.css before, on the site Forums:
Hi, Thank you for this great plugin. I am having some … -
Posted a reply to Default product variation not set as selected in single product(woocommerce) pag, on the site Forums:
@Steve Stern, thank you for your suggestion, I have asked there and also in stackoverflow… -
Created a topic, Default product variation not set as selected in single product(woocommerce) pag, on the site Forums:
0 down vote favorite I am using Wordpress 4.8 and W… -
Posted a reply to Default variation not selected by default, on the site Forums:
Here is the url :- may be this can give better idea about the… -
Created a topic, Default variation not selected by default, on the site Forums:
If I am using CTRL + F5 the default variation is set i… -
Posted a reply to How to add taxonomy field tag to a page?, on the site Forums:
I tried something like `'label' => _x('Tags', ' Options', 'mytheme'), 'key' => 'image_tags', 'name' =>… -
Created a topic, How to add taxonomy field tag to a page?, on the site Forums:
Can I do something like this to add a custom taxonomy … -
Posted a reply to Exclude IP, on the site Forums:
add_filter( 'flamingo_add_inbound', function($args){ unset($args['meta']['remote_ip']) }); may solve your problem. -
Posted a reply to Issue regarding new flamingo_htmlize filter, on the site Forums:
Problem with new filter is We can not change the display of field as the… -
Created a topic, Suggestion, on the site Forums:
How about adding an option on fields to allow user to … -
Created a topic, Issue regarding new flamingo_htmlize filter, on the site Forums:
Hi @takayukister ! Thank you for acceptng my request a… -
Created a topic, Limit number of file field.( suggestion/idea/question ), on the site Forums:
Suppose I am allowing some user of my website to add f… -
Posted a reply to Suggestion, on the site Forums:
Can I hope this is coming in some update ? -
Created a topic, Suggestion, on the site Forums:
I would like to suggest you to add a filter in flaming… -
Created a topic, Any filter before flamingo saves contactform7 data, on the site Forums:
I would like to know if there is any filter that can a… -
Posted a reply to How to add support for new field, on the site Forums:
if ( $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance() ) { $attachment = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/wpcf7_uploads/' . $file['name']; $submission->add_uploaded_file(… -
Posted a reply to How to add support for new field, on the site Forums:
got the idea wpcf7_validate_multifile filter will do the job, I will try to make it… -
Posted a reply to How to add support for new field, on the site Forums:
got the idea wpcf7_validate_multifile filter will do the job, I will try to make it… -
Posted a reply to How to add support for new field, on the site Forums:
ok, by adding replaceFileInput: false now I can see in network section, my multi-field is… -
Posted a reply to How to add support for new field, on the site Forums:
ok, by adding replaceFileInput: false now I can see in network section, my multi-field is… -
Posted a reply to Only want to save email, on the site Forums:
Hint: conatact form edit section additional section. google it and you will get it. -
Posted a reply to php 7.1 compatibility?, on the site Forums:
Yes, It is compatible to 7.0 as well as 7.1 . I have used it.
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