Translated 6 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 80 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 28 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 46 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 219 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 8 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 58 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 42 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 145 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl, on the site Translate WordPress:
Proper link: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/es/default/wp-plugins/znajdz-prace-z-pracapl/ -
Suggested 100 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi, I understand. Here are translations provided by my team: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/znajdz-prace-z-pracapl/stable/es/default/ Thanks. -
Translated 187 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 249 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3146648] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.3 from GitHub -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl, on the site Translate WordPress:
Ok I'll read this, thanks -
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi, I am the author of plugin "Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl". I ask you to… -
Committed [3086297] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.2 from GitHub -
Committed [3086294] to Plugins SVN:
Remove tag 2.2.2 -
Committed [3086282] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.2 from GitHub -
Committed [3086268] to Plugins SVN:
Add plugin logo and banner -
Committed [3086067] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.1 from GitHub -
Committed [3085004] to Plugins SVN:
New tag: 2.2 -
Committed [3085002] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit
Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl
Active Installs: 20+
Polski (Polish) Plugins Translation Editor - #pl_PL
Znajdź Pracę z Praca.pl
Active Installs: 20+