Committed [3240052] to Plugins SVN:
Add assets, branches folders -
Committed [3240049] to Plugins SVN:
Update plugin to version 2.0.0 -
Committed [3239622] to Plugins SVN:
Replace misinterpreted Unicode characters with normal ones -
Committed [3235312] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted trunk/powr-icon.png -
Committed [3235303] to Plugins SVN:
Resolve review comments -
Committed [3235282] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted readme.txt from repository -
Committed [3223759] to Plugins SVN:
Fix Plugin Check error -
Committed [3222227] to Plugins SVN:
Add changes to powr-popup.php -
Committed [3222126] to Plugins SVN:
Update plugin to version 2.0.0 -
Committed [3212073] to Plugins SVN:
Update plugin (2.2.2) version -
Committed [3206914] to Plugins SVN:
2.0.2 version add tags directory, fix version in readme -
Committed [3202475] to Plugins SVN:
2.0.2 version powr social feed (set prod base url) -
Committed [3198032] to Plugins SVN:
2.0.1 version powr social feed review (fix review issues) -
Committed [3194071] to Plugins SVN:
2.0.0 version powr social feed review (remove unused files) -
Committed [3194050] to Plugins SVN:
2.0.0 version powr social feed review -
Committed [3194041] to Plugins SVN:
2.0.0 version powr social feed -
Committed [3018724] to Plugins SVN:
Updated plugin version -
Committed [3014333] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested up to version -
Committed [3006053] to Plugins SVN:
Security patch to sanitize input with esc_attr() function -
Committed [3005995] to Plugins SVN:
Security patch to sanitize input -
Committed [2821707] to Plugins SVN:
Pushing a new update after it was tested upto Wordpress 6.0 -
Committed [2692166] to Plugins SVN:
Updated plugin name -
Committed [2578393] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested up to version 5.8 -
Committed [2510356] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed incorrect stable tag -
Committed [2510351] to Plugins SVN:
Updated screenshots and banner -
Committed [2510319] to Plugins SVN:
Removed Facebook logos to comply with WordPress request -
Committed [2486306] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 5.7 -
Committed [2431248] to Plugins SVN:
Readme formatting fixes -
Committed [2431159] to Plugins SVN:
Updated branding and support for latest WP version -
Committed [2352015] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 5.4.2 -
Committed [2257828] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 5.4 -
Committed [2225157] to Plugins SVN:
Resolved PHP warning and support for 5.3.2 -
Committed [2178799] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 5.3 -
Posted a reply to Powr Pack plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi there, So sorry you were having trouble with your RSS Feed. The RSS reader… -
Committed [2093404] to Plugins SVN:
Form Builder configuration now inside of WordPress Installation -
Committed [2077289] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 5.2 -
Posted a reply to powr visitor counter plugin Issue, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Nish, Thank you for getting in touch! Sorry to hear about this issue. Please… -
Committed [2041052] to Plugins SVN:
Removed extra powr-pack file -
Committed [2041036] to Plugins SVN:
Updating to support WP 5.0 and Gutenberg -
Posted a reply to POWr Popup Displaying on Homepage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi there, You can send us a message with your account details through this form:… -
Posted a reply to POWr Popup Displaying on Homepage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Are you editing the z-index for that class in your css/main.min.css file? Feel free to… -
Posted a reply to POWr Popup Displaying on Homepage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi there, It looks like your navbar has a very high z-index. From testing this,… -
Committed [1836658] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes for readme formatting and asset sizes -
Committed [1836558] to Plugins SVN:
New readme and updated image assets -
Committed [1834019] to Plugins SVN:
Cleaned up keywords, version history, support for adding more powr plugins -
Committed [1825899] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes for consent and other concerns from @Ipstenu -
Committed [1825898] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes for consent and other concerns from @Ipstenu -
Committed [1825896] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes for consent and other concerns from @Ipstenu -
Committed [1825895] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes for consent and other concerns from @Ipstenu -
Committed [1825893] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes for consent and other concerns from @Ipstenu
Contact Form - Custom Builder, Payment Form, and More
Active Installs: 1,000+
POWR Popup
Active Installs: 10+
POWr Social Feed
Active Installs: 300+