Committed [2927381] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner and icon -
Committed [2927376] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner and icon -
Committed [2924315] to Plugins SVN:
Updated README description -
Committed [2924174] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner and icon -
Committed [2922107] to Plugins SVN:
updated stable tag to 1.3 -
Committed [2922087] to Plugins SVN:
added Pexels API integration -
Committed [2920416] to Plugins SVN:
ran 'svn add *' to add missing files to repo -
Committed [2920332] to Plugins SVN:
added Dezgo API integration -
Committed [2915027] to Plugins SVN:
added tabbed settings page -
Committed [2908278] to Plugins SVN:
release 1.1 -
Committed [2863054] to Plugins SVN:
added deactivation feedback -
Committed [2861172] to Plugins SVN:
added deactivation feedback -
Committed [2860642] to Plugins SVN:
updated image assets -
Committed [2860617] to Plugins SVN:
updated image assets -
Committed [2859977] to Plugins SVN:
added image assets -
Committed [2859976] to Plugins SVN:
added image assets -
Committed [2859871] to Plugins SVN:
added image assets -
Committed [2859419] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of plugin