Picture-Planet GmbH
@pictureplanet on WordPress.org
- Member Since: December 18th, 2015
- Location: Winterthur, Switzerland
- Website: picture-planet.ch
Contribution History
Picture-Planet GmbH’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [3104541] to Plugins SVN:
Update of RC 1, as it was only a pre-test. -
Translated 41 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3102763] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed an error when creating the tag 3.0.0-rc.1 -
Committed [3102757] to Plugins SVN:
RC 1 release 3.0.0 -
Committed [3102738] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to 3.0.0-rc.1 -
Suggested 368 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 14 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [2991648] to Plugins SVN:
Update Plugin Version. -
Committed [2991569] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to 2.14.0 -
Committed [2985016] to Plugins SVN:
RC 2 release 2.14.0 -
Committed [2985013] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to 2.14.0-rc.2 -
Committed [2984957] to Plugins SVN:
Hotfix: 2.14.0 RC 1 -
Committed [2982953] to Plugins SVN:
RC 1 release 2.14.0 -
Committed [2982951] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to 2.14.0-rc.1 -
Committed [2966294] to Plugins SVN:
Update des Stable tags -
Committed [2966266] to Plugins SVN:
Patch release 2.13.2 -
Committed [2966265] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to 2.13.2 -
Committed [2963628] to Plugins SVN:
Patch release 2.13.1 -
Committed [2963622] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to version 2.13.1 -
Committed [2962333] to Plugins SVN:
Minor release 2.13.0 -
Committed [2962332] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag to 2.13.0 -
Committed [2962331] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk -
Committed [2961542] to Plugins SVN:
Update trunk to version 2.13.0 -
Committed [2958289] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix, verowa_check_verowa_pages_on_update removed -
Committed [2958238] to Plugins SVN:
RC 2 release 2.13.0 -
Committed [2958219] to Plugins SVN:
Update 2.13.0 RC 2 in trunk -
Committed [2861944] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin Patch 2.11.5 aufschalten. -
Committed [2847455] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix: Labels were saved multiple times -
Committed [2847295] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin Version 1.0.0 für Verifikation -
Committed [2831060] to Plugins SVN:
Patch 2.11.4 Bugfix: Person group insert query -
Committed [2822048] to Plugins SVN:
Hotfix: Clock is displayed, with no time at the registration deadline. -
Committed [2821652] to Plugins SVN:
Force DB update implemented -
Committed [2821633] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.11.3, reduction of API calls -
Committed [2809632] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.11.2 in Absprache mit Michel aufgeschaltet -
Committed [2801798] to Plugins SVN:
DEV Update -
Committed [2801797] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.11.1 Patch -
Committed [2800460] to Plugins SVN:
Clean up SVN repository for further versions -
Committed [2797642] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.11.0 -
Committed [2797638] to Plugins SVN:
Add new tags VC 2.11.0 -
Committed [2787679] to Plugins SVN:
SVN trunk Update -
Committed [2751622] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.9.2 -
Committed [2751621] to Plugins SVN:
Update dev -
Committed [2748956] to Plugins SVN:
add tags/2.9.1 -
Committed [2748955] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.9.2 in dev, für Übersetzungen -
Committed [2745660] to Plugins SVN:
Add VC 2.9.0 Tag -
Committed [2745657] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.8.11 Bugfix -
Committed [2745654] to Plugins SVN:
Update Trunk to 2.9.0 -
Committed [2718211] to Plugins SVN:
VC 2.8.11 -
Committed [2717488] to Plugins SVN:
Update der Übersetzungen -
Committed [2717424] to Plugins SVN:
update Stable tag
Tied Pages
Active Installs: Less than 10
Verowa Connect
Active Installs: 80+