@pgreca on
- Member Since: May 3rd, 2017
- Website:
Contribution History
pgreca’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [1677088] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.8 / Nightly Version -
Committed [1676066] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.7 -
Committed [1669130] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.6 / Nightly Version -
Committed [1665994] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.4 -
Committed [1665845] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.3 / FIX -
Committed [1665807] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.3 / Add Tags 0.3 -
Committed [1665804] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.3 -
Committed [1657274] to Plugins SVN:
Upload Readme (ver. 0.2) -
Committed [1657152] to Plugins SVN:
Error Upload File - Now it's correct. (ver. 0.2) -
Committed [1657140] to Plugins SVN:
Error Upload File - Now it's correct. (ver. 0.2) -
Committed [1657124] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded plugin - ver. 0.2 Fix bugs, added list of online members, added ... -
Committed [1655328] to Plugins SVN:
Adding file readme.txt (ver. 0.1) -
Committed [1655326] to Plugins SVN:
Adding banners, icons and screenshot (ver. 0.1) -
Committed [1655294] to Plugins SVN:
Adding files of plugin (ver. 0.1)
PGreca Chat
Active Installs: Less than 10