Committed [1329683] to Plugins SVN:
Minified CSS and JS for tooltipster -
Committed [1329681] to Plugins SVN:
Minified js and css for tooltipster -
Committed [1329662] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 3.0 -
Committed [1329660] to Plugins SVN:
Added option to exclude post id's Fixed shortcode bug -
Committed [1329654] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 2.0 -
Committed [1162907] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the default available services -
Committed [1162237] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version number -
Committed [1162234] to Plugins SVN:
Added support for Pinterest -
Committed [1018349] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the tested upto version -
Committed [957528] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed array index issue for unchecked backend options -
Committed [941784] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed an undefined array index bug -
Released a new plugin, Simple Social Share
Committed [932700] to Plugins SVN:
Added plugin to repository