@pencho15 on, @Pencho15 on Slack
- Member Since: September 19th, 2018
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Contribution History
Pencho15’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Translated 13 strings on
Suggested 34 strings on
Translated 28 strings on
Suggested 84 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Created a topic, Problems with search, on the site Forums:
Hi. I've been using String Locator for years without … -
Translated 31 strings on
Suggested 39 strings on
Translated 21 strings on
Suggested 32 strings on
Created a topic, Breaks WP Bakery, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have been using Subscribers for a while with… -
Created a topic, Can’t find FAQ Schema, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have added the FAQ Schema in several pages. … -
Created a topic, Localization, on the site Forums:
Not a problem, but I just wanted to let you know I hav… -
Created a topic, Render Blocking, on the site Forums:
Hello. Using Google PageSpeed Insights I get a warnin… -
Created a topic, Good, on the site Forums:
Does what it promises and never has created problems. … -
Posted a reply to Logo in Google Search, on the site Forums:
All right, thanks. -
Posted a reply to Logo in Google Search, on the site Forums:
Hello? -
Posted a reply to Logo in Google Search, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have kept checking, but the logo remains invisible in every Google Search. Is… -
Posted a reply to Logo in Google Search, on the site Forums:
Allright, I'll check in a few days. -
Posted a reply to Logo in Google Search, on the site Forums:
Hello. You can watch it here: My webpage is the one above, as you… -
Created a topic, Logo in Google Search, on the site Forums:
Hello. Before adding AMP, the logo of my website show… -
Posted a reply to Accesibility Improvements, on the site Forums:
That solved it. Thank you very much. -
Created a topic, Accesibility Improvements, on the site Forums:
Hello. The Boxzilla crew recommended me to check this… -
Posted a reply to Input labels, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the help, I'll check there. -
Created a topic, Input labels, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have Boxzilla installed and it works just fi… -
Created a topic, Update, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have translated your plugin to Mexico's Span… -
Created a topic, Localization, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have translated your plugin to Spanish, but … -
Created a topic, Localization, on the site Forums:
Hello. Could you prepare your plugin for localization… -
Posted a reply to External Links Suggestion, on the site Forums:
Thanks, glad to see it in the new update. -
Created a topic, External Links Suggestion, on the site Forums:
Hello. I was testing my website in Google's Lighthous… -
Posted a reply to Unknown image, on the site Forums:
Ok, Thanks for the info. Its always there so its probably just a false positive. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hola., on the site Equipo WordPress México:
@tokyobiyori -
Wrote a comment on the post Hola., on the site Equipo WordPress México:
Hola, escribí esto hace mucho tiempo, antes de que pudiera contactar a @tokyobiyoripor Slack y… -
Created a topic, Unknown image, on the site Forums:
Hello. With the Smush plugin I have installed the Ima… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello., on the site Translate WordPress:
Besides those above, here are some new strings for review. @tokyobiyori @abramoca This one is… -
Wrote a new post, Hola., on the site Equipo WordPress México:
Llevo meses mandando sugerencias para traducir al español de México muchos plugins, algunos al 100%,… -
Created a topic, Translation, on the site Forums:
Any chance of preparing the plugin for translations. I… -
Wrote a comment on the post some strings ready to review…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello, these strings seem to have been al reviewed and all WP Verions are now… -
Wrote a new post, Hola., on the site Spanish (Mexico) Team:
Llevo meses mandando sugerencias para traducir al español de México muchos plugins, algunos al 100%,… -
Wrote a comment on the post GTE Request for es-mx, on the site Translate WordPress:
@nao it seems @marcozink is not active anymore, @tokyobiyori is a new GTE. Maybe she… -
Wrote a comment on the post GTE Request for es-mx, on the site Translate WordPress:
I have been doing a lot of translations, I'm happy to help too. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello., on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi. I saw what you mean, I have rejected some of the strings with discrepancies… -
Wrote a new post, Hello., on the site Translate WordPress:
Here are some new plugins string to be reviewed in #es-mx Most of them are… -
Wrote a new post, some strings ready to review…, on the site Translate WordPress:
some strings ready to review to get WordPress versions to 100% in #es_mx… -
Wrote a comment on the post Joining Slack chat, on the site Translate WordPress:
Just as before, I was completely ignored. I did my best, but it seems it's… -
Wrote a comment on the post Joining Slack chat, on the site Translate WordPress:
@tobifjellner -
Wrote a comment on the post Joining Slack chat, on the site Translate WordPress:
Allright, I changed hotmail for gmail, but I still can't ask for a second invitation… -
Wrote a new post, Joining Slack chat, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello, following the recommendations of @tobifjellner and @tokyobiyori I have asked for access to the… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello., on the site Translate WordPress:
Thanks, I have seen I'm there. I'll keep translating when I can and I have…