Amin Abdolrezapoor
@pelentak on, @Amin on Slack
Contribution History
Amin Abdolrezapoor’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Variable products – again, on the site Forums:
Hello @mundstrom Thank you for reaching out and detailed feedback about the use-case. The problem… -
Suggested 20 strings on
Posted a reply to مشکلات در اپدیت جدید, on the site Forums:
با عرض درود دوباره مشکل فیلد های انتخاب و دکمه های رادیویی رفع شد، لطفا… -
Posted a reply to مشکلات در اپدیت جدید, on the site Forums:
درود بر شما همراه گرامی مشکل گزارش شده بررسی و رفع خواهد شد -
Committed [3144415] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.7 from GitHub -
Closed pull request #5563 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Avoid overriding `excerpt_length` when doing ajax -
Submitted pull request #5563 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Avoid overriding `excerpt_length` when doing ajax -
Created ticket #59714 on Core Trac:
Not possible to set excerpt_length when doing ajax -
Created ticket #58806 on Core Trac:
Unexpected ordering result when ordering based on multiple clauses -
Created issue #52471 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Allow more control over "List item" block's indentation -
Created issue #50514 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Dragging scrollbar on `FormTokenField` suggestions list does not work -
Closed issue #49157 on the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Allow adding help text below title in form control components -
Created issue #49157 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Allow adding help text below title in form control components -
Posted a reply to Dokan compatibility, on the site Forums:
Hi, No, this plugin isn't compatible with Dokan at the moment. -
Created issue #44863 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Problem with predefined translatable texts in multilingual websites -
Posted a reply to Update Plugin with another latest version, on the site Forums:
Hi yes we will check it. We would appreciate it if you share with us… -
Posted a reply to Table tab brakes, on the site Forums:
This is a CSS issue, the sections there doesn't have enough space for three tabs… -
Posted a reply to Compare Products, on the site Forums:
Next update comes with compare feature -
Posted a reply to Integration, on the site Forums:
Maybe in future releases -
Posted a reply to do_shortcode() Not working in product page template, on the site Forums:
If you're using the shortcode outside a loop, adding the post_id attribute will help :… -
Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
Fixed one of tha lacking woocommerce's features.
Email verification on signups
Active Installs: 100+
Product Specifications for Woocommerce
Active Installs: 2,000+