Committed [1374795] to Plugins SVN:
fixing Readme.txt -
Committed [1374794] to Plugins SVN:
fixing Readme.txt -
Committed [1374793] to Plugins SVN:
adding new tag -
Committed [1374792] to Plugins SVN:
fixing sort icon css bug -
Committed [1364767] to Plugins SVN:
edit changelog in Readmefile -
Committed [1364763] to Plugins SVN:
add new tag -
Committed [1364762] to Plugins SVN:
-edit shortcode logic -
Committed [1362940] to Plugins SVN:
edit version number to lastest tag -
Committed [1362934] to Plugins SVN:
edit stable tag in tag readme -
Committed [1362931] to Plugins SVN:
edit stable tag in readme -
Committed [1362927] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0.1 -
Committed [1362926] to Plugins SVN:
edit readme and add some cool images -
Committed [1362044] to Plugins SVN:
add initial tag 1.0.0 -
Committed [1362042] to Plugins SVN:
initial plugin commit