Paul Wilde
@paulwilde on and Slack
- Member Since: August 30th, 2013
- Location: England
- GitHub: paulwilde
- Job Title: Website Developer
Contribution History
Paul Wilde’s badges:- Core Contributor
Created issue #60292 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
DataViews styling is broken outside of the edit-site context -
Created issue #36469 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
core/navigation no longer available on the Widgets screen -
Created issue #36365 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Bugs with autogenerated heading anchors -
Created issue #35890 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Add support for setting widget areas as dark (darker background, light content) -
Mentioned in [44165] on Core SVN:
Editor: Merge some minor bug fixes. -
Mentioned in [43815] on Core SVN:
Editor: Minor bug fixes. -
Mentioned in [41695] on Core SVN:
Plugins: Add plugin icons to the plugin list tables. -
Wrote a comment on the post Feature Project Proposal: Notifications API, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Laravel recently implemented support for Notifications in their latest release: There is also a… -
Mentioned in [38634] on Core SVN:
Toolbar: Add a 'View Posts' link to the toolbar when on the post listing screen. -
Mentioned in [37714] on Core SVN:
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2. -
Created ticket #35612 on Core Trac:
Update TinyMCE buttons to use new button style -
Reopened ticket #34988 on Core Trac:
Screen Options on taxonomy edit screen -
Mentioned in [35703] on Core SVN:
Color picker: update to the new button style. -
Created ticket #34734 on Core Trac:
Update colourpicker button to use new button style -
Mentioned in [35636] on Core SVN:
Buttons: Standardize on `.button-link` for link-like buttons. -
Mentioned in [35382] on Core SVN:
Nav Menus: show custom post type Archive item at the top of the `View All` tab for the post type on the legacy Nav Menu screen. -
Mentioned in [35343] on Core SVN:
Plugins: Improve the "Install Now" button vertical alignment in the Plugin Details modal dialog. -
Mentioned in [35133] on Core SVN:
Theme Installer: fix the theme "Install"/"Installed" button's vertical alignment for HiDPI displays. -
Mentioned in [35018] on Core SVN:
Customizer: `WP_Customize_Cropped_Image_Control` should extend `WP_Customize_Image_Control`, since Site Icon can only an image. -
Created ticket #34246 on Core Trac:
Edit Selection/Clear buttons for gallery selection have inconsistent hover ... -
Created ticket #34244 on Core Trac:
Remove orange hover link colour from Media Modal -
Mentioned in [34990] on Core SVN:
Notices: Update one more instance of white-on-white. -
Created ticket #34220 on Core Trac:
Update revision slider handle styling -
Created ticket #34212 on Core Trac:
Re-think default 'Add Plugins' tabs/filters -
Created ticket #34211 on Core Trac:
Ability to specify fields WP_Query can search -
Created ticket #34199 on Core Trac:
Plugin "Install Now" button is vertically misaligned -
Created ticket #34198 on Core Trac:
Theme Install/Installed button vertical misalignment for HiDPI displays. -
Created ticket #34113 on Core Trac:
Add a 'View Archive' link to admin bar for post types. -
Created ticket #34111 on Core Trac:
Menu CSS Classes are saved as comma separated inside the Customiser -
Mentioned in [34666] on Core SVN:
Add a `nav_menu_item_title` filter for filtering nav menu item titles. -
Reopened ticket #32244 on Core Trac:
Introduce notice class for notices that are on a white background -
Created ticket #33951 on Core Trac:
Inconsistent naming for the "Remove" link for widgets. -
Mentioned in [34365] on Core SVN:
Notices: Add styles for use against white backgrounds. -
Mentioned in [34280] on Core SVN:
Add an argument to `wp_page_menu()`, `'menu_tag'`, which defaults to `div` but can be overridden to allow HTML5 tags like `nav`. -
Mentioned in [34178] on Core SVN:
Remove outdated references to the `preview_post_link` filter docs. -
Mentioned in [33934] on Core SVN:
Widgets: Don't display sidebar description container if it's empty. -
Created ticket #33714 on Core Trac:
Introduce argument to register_post_type which adds a custom post type to ... -
Created ticket #33447 on Core Trac:
Introduce a nav menu title filter -
Reopened ticket #32733 on Core Trac:
Customizer screen options toggle icon isn't aligned and scaled with the ... -
Mentioned in [33270] on Core SVN:
List Tables: -
Mentioned in [33137] on Core SVN:
Add/Edit User: Move weak password label to the checkbox. -
Created ticket #32908 on Core Trac:
Use label for the "Confirm Password" checkbox -
Created ticket #32738 on Core Trac:
You can drag a parent menu item (with children) out of its container -
Mentioned in [32886] on Core SVN:
Customizer: Rename label for custom links to "Custom Links", see [31748]. -
Created ticket #32734 on Core Trac:
Customiser menu item added tick icon is too small, plus icon is too big. -
Created ticket #32733 on Core Trac:
Customiser screen options toggle icon isn't aligned and scaled with the ... -
Created ticket #32732 on Core Trac:
Change "Links" title to "Custom Links" inside the menu customiser. -
Mentioned in [32841] on Core SVN:
More consistent spacing around the excerpt textarea. -
Created ticket #32683 on Core Trac:
Custom Menu widget should include a shortcut to load selected menu inside ... -
Created ticket #32681 on Core Trac:
Shift-clicking a menu item in the website preview iframe should open it ...
Archive Content with Archived Post Status
Archive Control
Cache Enabler
Easy Watermark
Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin
OTF Regenerate Thumbnails
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
User Session Control
Widgets Reloaded
WP Event Calendar
WP Term Order