

Internet, Marketing, Empresas, business, programação, web designer, wordpress, buddypress, sistemas, system, web, desenvolvimento, programas.

  • Member Since: July 11th, 2012
  • Location: Brasil
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  • Created a topic, Search by field order, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I want my results to always be in order of a nu…

  • Posted a reply to How to generate random slugs, on the site Forums:
    I managed to solve 'function change_events_slug( $slug, $post_ID, $post_status, $post_type ) { if ( 'event'…

  • Created a topic, How to generate random numeric slugs, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to change the url of the events and put…

  • Created a topic, Does it work with Buddypress?, on the site Forums:
    I'm in need of an album that works with Buddypress. Do…

  • Created a topic, Image is not deleted from database, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that the images are not deleted from the dat…

  • Created a topic, Put a vote on the buddypress profile, through the ID, on the site Forums:
    Can I create a function so I can evaluate buddypress p…

  • Created a topic, Run without having to activate activities, on the site Forums:
    Olá! Tem uma forma de fazer funcionar sem precisar lig…

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to delete a history item? For privacy reasons., on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to delete a history item? For privacy r…

  • Posted a reply to I need to put the author’s name next to the favorites title. It’s possible?, on the site Forums:
    I already found out. Thanks! Put in list.php <?php $author = get_the_author(); echo $author; ?>

  • Created a topic, I need to put the author’s name next to the favorites title. It’s possible?, on the site Forums:
    I want to put the author's name next to each title of …

  • Created a topic, I need users to rate the comments. It’s possible?, on the site Forums:
    I need the comments to be able to be rated by users. I…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possible to create a function to work on comments?, on the site Forums:
    Okay! Thank you very much, Ricard Torres!

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to like comments?, on the site Forums:
    I need a plugin to like comments. It's possible? I've …

  • Created a topic, Can you make this plugin work for buddypress user profiles?, on the site Forums:
    Could you help me to put a function to bookmark buddyp…

  • Posted a reply to Html (in textarea) does not work when editing an event, on the site Forums:
    I found a way to show the html inside TEXTARE in profile-events-create.php The php code…

  • Posted a reply to Html (in textarea) does not work when editing an event, on the site Forums:
    Hello @shanebp! Sorry for the persistence in the question... I can put html formatting in…

  • Posted a reply to Html (in textarea) does not work when editing an event, on the site Forums:
    Hi shanebp! When I go to edit a published event, the html disappears. On the…

  • Created a topic, Html (in textarea) does not work when editing an event, on the site Forums:
    Hey! I put a text editor in the text area (TinyMCE or …

  • Posted a reply to Field to search users for a published post type, on the site Forums:
    Solved at this link: THANK YOU ANDREA!

  • Posted a reply to Field to search users for a published post type, on the site Forums:
    Hi Andrea! I took the tests and the results still don't show up. 1) I…

  • Created a topic, Help! Field to search users for a published post type, on the site Forums:
    Helo! I need a field to search users for their publica…

  • Posted a reply to Field to search users for a published post type, on the site Forums:
    Hi Andrea! I just need this feature to finish my project. Could you help me…

  • Posted a reply to Field to search users for a published post type, on the site Forums:
    Best example: The author of the post type publishes: "Tips on how to face the…

  • Created a topic, Field to search users for a published post type, on the site Forums:
    Helo! I need a field to search users for their publica…

  • Posted a reply to Send notifications of new events to friends, on the site Forums:
    Okay! Hi Shanebp! Thanks a lot for the help!

  • Posted a reply to [BuddyPress Simple Events] Send notifications of new events to friends, on the site Forums:
    HI @shanebp got part of the code. how do i make it work with events?…

  • Posted a reply to Send notifications of new events to friends, on the site Forums:
    All that's missing is to finish my project. I don't know how to get friends…

  • Posted a reply to Send notifications of new events to friends, on the site Forums:
    found part of the code. Now I need to put the POSTTYPE... How to do…

  • Created a topic, Send notifications of new events to friends, on the site Forums:
    Helo! The plugin is perfect. However, I need my buddyp…

  • Posted a reply to Subscriber CANNOT delete event. Administrator only!, on the site Forums:
    RESOLVIDO: Conflito com o Plugin "Remove Dashboard Access". Quando você ativa este plugin, não autoriza…

  • Created a topic, Subscriber no delete event. Only admin!, on the site Forums:
    Tudo funciona perfeitamente. Mas os usuários não conse…

  • Posted a reply to input Upload image, on the site Forums:
    Hello shanebp, Sem muito dinheiro no momento. Sou brasileiro kkk! Você pode me doar o…

  • Posted a reply to input Upload image, on the site Forums:
    Okay! Thanks!

  • Created a topic, input Upload image, on the site Forums:
    Tem como colocar um input para colocar uma imagem no e…

  • Posted a reply to How to use “BP Profile Search” in friends.php, on the site Forums:
    Okay Andrea Tarantini (@dontdream)! Thanks!

  • Created a topic, How to use “BP Profile Search” in friends.php, on the site Forums:
    Como posso usar o plugin BP Profile Search na página …

  • Created a topic, Muito bom!, on the site Forums:
    Seria legal colocar um botão para excluir ou editar.

  • Created a topic, bp reviews e Child Theme?, on the site Forums:
    Tem como colocar o adaptar o plugin usando um tema fil…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Guestbooks on one site?, on the site Forums:
    Eu queria usar para criar automático... Por exemplo: EXAMPLE: [gwolle_gb book_id=”<?php echo $url ?>”] Obrigado…

  • Posted a reply to Tem como trocar o id inteiro por uma palavra ou url?, on the site Forums:
    Já foi respondido em outro comentário.

  • Created a topic, Tem como trocar o id inteiro por uma palavra ou url?, on the site Forums:
    Olá. Tem alguma forma de fazer assim: Tem como troca…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Guestbooks on one site?, on the site Forums:
    Olá. Tem alguma forma de fazer assim: [gwolle_gb book_id="2"] por [gwolle_gb book_id="palavra"] ???

  • Created a topic, Como mesclar esses dois códigos abaixo no MEMBER-LOOP?, on the site Forums:
    Por favor! Você pode me ajudar com isso! Quero coloca…

  • Created a topic, Muito bom!, on the site Forums:
    Gostei bastante!

  • Created a topic, Uma experiência incrível. Visual limpo e agradável., on the site Forums:
    Excelente, transforma completamente a experiência do …

  • Created a topic, counter in BuddyPress, on the site Forums:
    Google Translator: Thank you for always helping me. Is…


Português do Brasil (Portuguese (Brazil)) Translation Contributor - #pt_BR

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