@paramiweb on
- Member Since: May 11th, 2018
- Location: Murcia
- Website:
Contribution History
Redlo’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Good, on the site Forums:
Good -
Posted a reply to No voto, on the site Forums:
Como veis ya les vote y me VUELVE A PEDIR EL VOTO. ¿Lo entiende? -
Created a topic, No voto, on the site Forums:
No voto. Esto pasa cuando obligais -
Created a topic, No voto, on the site Forums:
Para eliminar pestañas molestas definitivamente tienes… -
Created a topic, No me obligues que es peor, on the site Forums:
No me gusta que me obliguen a opinar sobre lo que sea -
Created a topic, Merece instalarlo, on the site Forums:
Funciona bien -
Created a topic, Dont view the link when I edit the content, on the site Forums:
When a link is generated, I can see it in the public p… -
Posted a reply to Featured Image not showing, on the site Forums:
Hello, in functions.php of your theme add.... function aiovg_custom_init() { add_post_type_support( 'aiovg_videos', 'thumbnail' ); }… -
Posted a reply to Compatble wth Ementor, on the site Forums:
Or if it is possible to use shortcodes. If the answer is yes, can you… -
Created a topic, Compatble wth Ementor, on the site Forums:
Hi, I need to know if you include applications for ele… -
Posted a reply to Does not show the stars of the ranges in profiles, on the site Forums:
Excuse me, I had not answered. I fixed it the other day, and I forgot… -
Posted a reply to Does not show the stars of the ranges in profiles, on the site Forums:
The website does not work well, I am making changes but it is as… -
Posted a reply to Does not show the stars of the ranges in profiles, on the site Forums:
Hello, the theme is OneCommunity. They use their own plugin to add Ranking and if… -
Created a topic, Does not show the stars of the ranges in profiles, on the site Forums:
I have created the ranks, five ranges, with levels acc… -
Created a topic, Integration Navision 2018, on the site Forums:
Hello, this plugin support navision 2018 ? Thank you -
Created a topic, Two rows icons in woocommerce, on the site Forums:
The problem can be seen if they access the url. Two ro… -
Created a topic, Courses SCORM, on the site Forums:
Hi, I need to embed courses in SCORM format. They can … -
Created a topic, Compatible theme plugin business directory plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello, I need to know with what themes the wp director… -
Posted a reply to Migrate directory data to this plugin, on the site Forums:
Thanks, I send you one email. -
Created a topic, Migrate directory data to this plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello, I really like the style of the plugin, I would … -
Created a topic, Delete or change aiovg_videos in details view video, on the site Forums:
Hello... When I add a video, in the detail view, aiovg… -
Posted a reply to Crear un enlace de menu para crear nuevo debate, on the site Foros de soporte:
Bien, veo que el moderador Almendron u otro ha quitado su respuesta, quizas otro me… -
Posted a reply to Crear un enlace de menu para crear nuevo debate, on the site Foros de soporte:
Estoy preguntando.... Buenoi mejor añado una palabra que quizas es lo que te ha despistado..… -
Created a topic, Crear un enlace de menu para crear nuevo debate, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, necesito crear un link en el menu de Nuevo debat… -
Posted a reply to Create a space under image to increase space, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much. -
Posted a reply to Adding Text or Breadcrumb and title of option menu, on the site Forums:
I would like you to provide me with a reference of your theme. Thank you… -
Created a topic, Create a space under image to increase space, on the site Forums:
And how to add a space under the image in the header.p… -
Created a topic, Adding Text or Breadcrumb and title of option menu, on the site Forums:
Hello, I get the following question .. Is it possible … -
Posted a reply to Configure plugin with Fashow theme dont work, on the site Forums:
Is ok, now i can view image head diferent in any options of menu ;).… -
Posted a reply to Configure plugin with Fashow theme dont work, on the site Forums:
No, I'm sorry, but I do not know what code and in what part of… -
Created a topic, Configure plugin with Fashow theme dont work, on the site Forums:
Hello I use theme… -
Posted a reply to Migrate bbpress to wpForo forum, on the site Forums:
Thank you. Migration execute ;) -
Created a topic, Migrate bbpress to wp forum, on the site Forums:
I recently migrated from joomla to wordpress and passe…