@pangol on and Slack
- Member Since: April 22nd, 2015
- Location: Korea
- Website:
Contribution History
pangol’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Created ticket #82380 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Npo99 – 1.0 -
Committed [2060675] to Plugins SVN:
description is updated -
Committed [2060674] to Plugins SVN:
description is updated -
Committed [2058698] to Plugins SVN:
adding the link -
Committed [2058697] to Plugins SVN:
adding stable version up -
Committed [2058695] to Plugins SVN:
adding the link -
Committed [2057286] to Plugins SVN:
font, background color added by color picker -
Committed [2057285] to Plugins SVN:
font, background setting is added using color picker -
Committed [2056553] to Plugins SVN:
stable version changed -
Committed [2056552] to Plugins SVN:
stable version changed -
Committed [2056538] to Plugins SVN:
글씨 속성 추가 버전 -
Committed [2056535] to Plugins SVN:
오류 수정 -
Committed [2056529] to Plugins SVN:
오류 수정 -
Committed [2056527] to Plugins SVN:
세월호 글씨 색 설정 속성 추가 -
Committed [2056526] to Plugins SVN:
세월호 폰트 글씨 색 설정 추가 -
Committed [2055008] to Plugins SVN:
stable version is changed -
Committed [2055007] to Plugins SVN:
stable version is changed -
Committed [2055005] to Plugins SVN:
test version is updated -
Committed [2055003] to Plugins SVN:
test version update -
Committed [1177191] to Plugins SVN:
fix version -
Committed [1177188] to Plugins SVN:
romove duplicated widget title -
Committed [1177187] to Plugins SVN:
romove duplicated widget title -
Committed [1177167] to Plugins SVN:
fix widget title -
Committed [1177166] to Plugins SVN:
fix widget title -
Committed [1177165] to Plugins SVN:
fix some widget errors -
Committed [1177164] to Plugins SVN:
fix some widget errors -
Committed [1169855] to Plugins SVN:
add load_textdomain -
Committed [1169854] to Plugins SVN:
add load_textdomain -
Committed [1169853] to Plugins SVN:
add Korean Languages -
Committed [1169852] to Plugins SVN:
add Korean languages -
Committed [1169798] to Plugins SVN:
rename source file -
Committed [1167587] to Plugins SVN:
add Korean Title -
Committed [1167586] to Plugins SVN:
add Korean Title -
Committed [1167489] to Plugins SVN:
version up 1.0.1 -
Committed [1167488] to Plugins SVN:
add version -
Committed [1167487] to Plugins SVN:
add Korean Language -
Committed [1167485] to Plugins SVN:
add tags and brances -
Committed [1163113] to Plugins SVN:
add description translation -
Committed [1163111] to Plugins SVN:
add textdomain, domain path -
Committed [1163107] to Plugins SVN:
add Korean language -
Committed [1160866] to Plugins SVN:
Add daum book api 1.0 -
Released a new plugin, Sewol Count
Committed [1144169] to Plugins SVN:
Adding sewol-count 1.0
Sewol Count
Active Installs: Less than 10