Wang Bin
@ouhinit on
- Member Since: August 23rd, 2010
Contribution History
Wang Bin’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [654608] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot-1 -
Committed [653974] to Plugins SVN:
php5.4を対応するため -
Committed [653268] to Plugins SVN:
add banner -
Committed [650169] to Plugins SVN:
fix bug -
Committed [650148] to Plugins SVN:
add js -
Committed [650147] to Plugins SVN:
バッグ修正 -
Committed [650118] to Plugins SVN:
DS修正 -
Committed [650116] to Plugins SVN:
不具合修正 -
Committed [650115] to Plugins SVN:
DIRECTORY_SEPARATORを外す、string '/'を利用 -
Committed [646296] to Plugins SVN:
admin bar's blogname -
Committed [644511] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot-2 -
Committed [644510] to Plugins SVN:
add Screenshots -
Committed [644509] to Plugins SVN:
add Screenshots -
Committed [644500] to Plugins SVN:
add banner -
Committed [644499] to Plugins SVN:
update message -
Committed [644498] to Plugins SVN:
全角space を削除する -
Committed [644497] to Plugins SVN:
公開 -
Committed [644321] to Plugins SVN:
back -
Committed [644317] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [644311] to Plugins SVN:
バナーがここに不要です -
Committed [644308] to Plugins SVN:
add banner-772x250.jpg -
Committed [644307] to Plugins SVN:
add banner -
Committed [644028] to Plugins SVN:
1.1を追加する -
Committed [644011] to Plugins SVN:
不具合修正 -
Committed [644008] to Plugins SVN:
no display admin_notices -
Committed [643975] to Plugins SVN:
test -
Committed [643885] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [643882] to Plugins SVN:
説明変更 -
Committed [643874] to Plugins SVN:
Plug-in public -
Committed [642867] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots -
Committed [637649] to Plugins SVN:
1.6 update media edit page for wp's ver 3.5 -
Committed [637648] to Plugins SVN:
1.6 update media edit page for wp's ver 3.5 -
Committed [637409] to Plugins SVN:
2012/12/12 1.5 update add_filter's wp_nav_menu Argument problem -
Committed [635183] to Plugins SVN:
update options-general's key_word -
Committed [633291] to Plugins SVN:
add extension_loaded('curl') curlモジュールチェック -
Committed [625128] to Plugins SVN:
update add_action('the_posts' to add_filter('the_posts' . add ... -
Committed [623838] to Plugins SVN:
add js -
Committed [623837] to Plugins SVN:
disply > display -
Committed [623835] to Plugins SVN:
add read js disply > display -
Committed [622806] to Plugins SVN:
__( 'Featured Images' )を正しく変更する -
Committed [622798] to Plugins SVN:
delete の見えないコード削除するだけ、機能変更なし -
Committed [607366] to Plugins SVN:
ps_012_multilingual_list default $echo = true -
Committed [607365] to Plugins SVN:
url_exists のエラーを修正 ps_url_existsに変更しました。 -
Committed [607364] to Plugins SVN:
url_exists のエラーを修正 ps_url_existsに変更しました。 -
Committed [598309] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [591184] to Plugins SVN:
__( 'Featured Image' )にする -
Committed [587716] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [585711] to Plugins SVN:
chekked->checked 単語ミス修正 -
Committed [585612] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [585611] to Plugins SVN:
Fix error
012 Ps Multi Languages
Active Installs: 100+
028 Ps Combine Taxonomy Children
Active Installs: 10+
030 Ps Display Upload_path For WP3.5
Active Installs: 200+
002 PS Custom Post Type
011 Ps Custom Taxonomy
012 Ps Multi Languages
028 Ps Combine Taxonomy Children
030 Ps Display Upload_path For WP3.5
Admin Columns
Admin Menu Editor
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
Category Checklist Tree
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
Custom Post Type UI
Debug Bar
Editor Templates
Multisite Global Search
POST2PDF Converter
Posts 2 Posts
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Welcart e-Commerce
WordPress Auction Plugin
WP Multilingual Sitemap
WP Super Cache
WP-Members Membership Plugin
XML Sitemap Generator for Google