Irina Sokolovskaja
@oriolo on and Slack
- Member Since: March 31st, 2012
- Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
- Website:
- Job Title: Web developer
Contribution History
Irina Sokolovskaja’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 11 strings on
Committed [2194969] to Plugins SVN:
Support 5.3.0 -
Committed [2194774] to Plugins SVN:
2.4.1 -
Committed [2185247] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to version -
Committed [2185244] to Plugins SVN:
Tags 2.4.0 -
Committed [2185241] to Plugins SVN:
2.4.0 -
Committed [1808822] to Plugins SVN:
2.3.0 tag -
Committed [1808819] to Plugins SVN:
2.3.0 -
Committed [1808817] to Plugins SVN:
2.3.0 -
Posted a reply to Полная хрень, on the site Forums:
Возможно, проблема в том, что на сайте где-то используется такой же URL, какой Вы хотите… -
Committed [1593764] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.2.0 -
Committed [1593763] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.2.0 -
Committed [1593762] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.2.0 -
Committed [1551391] to Plugins SVN:
v 2.1.0 tag -
Committed [1551390] to Plugins SVN:
v 2.1.0 -
Committed [1502158] to Plugins SVN:
remove 1.1.0 -
Posted a reply to problem with update 1.1.0, on the site Forums:
Fixed, please update to 1.1.1. Sorry for inconvenience. -
Posted a reply to Проблема с категориями продуктов, on the site Forums:
Исправлено. Обновитесь на версию 1.1.1. -
Committed [1502157] to Plugins SVN:
v. 1.1.1 -
Committed [1502155] to Plugins SVN:
remove templates include -
Committed [1502153] to Plugins SVN:
v. 1.1.1 -
Posted a reply to Проблема с категориями продуктов, on the site Forums:
Добрый день. Уже исправляю. Временно можете откатиться на предыдущую версию (взять можно тут: -
Wrote a new post, Hello Polyglots I am the plugin author for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello Polyglots! I am the plugin author for Goods Catalog Please add me as… -
Posted a reply to Почему кнопки на английском?, on the site Forums:
Добрый день, потому что перевода нет. Это opensource проект, я занимаюсь им бесплатно в свое… -
Posted a reply to problem with image category, on the site Forums:
Hi Danilo, Which theme and WP version do you use? > your plugin is responsive?… -
Posted a reply to Интеграция в меню (основное), on the site Forums:
Добрый день, эта функция есть, реализована еще в прошлом году. В меню можно в стандартном… -
Committed [1498154] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.1.0 add file -
Committed [1498153] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.1.0 release -
Committed [1369893] to Plugins SVN:
fix version -
Committed [1369892] to Plugins SVN:
load text domain -
Committed [1369883] to Plugins SVN:
make plugin translatable -
Committed [1369861] to Plugins SVN:
fix license verion error -
Committed [1369858] to Plugins SVN:
remove old language files -
Committed [1369856] to Plugins SVN:
rename language files -
Committed [1369854] to Plugins SVN:
change text domain -
Committed [1369836] to Plugins SVN:
add text domain -
Committed [1369828] to Plugins SVN:
and license file -
Committed [1369823] to Plugins SVN:
add license, readme, changelog. uprgade license to GNU v3 -
Committed [1369814] to Plugins SVN:
fix version -
Committed [1369812] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.0.0 to tags -
Committed [1369811] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.0.0 adding comments -
Committed [1268012] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot 5 -
Released a new plugin, Comments by Post Type
Committed [1236555] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit -
Committed [1233870] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.10.0 sorting products -
Committed [1171382] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.9.4 released pot file -
Committed [1171378] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.9.4 released pot file -
Committed [1171371] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.9.4 released -
Committed [1157780] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.9.3 thumbnails bug fix -
Committed [1154409] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.9.2 released
Comments by Post Type
Active Installs: 10+