Nguyễn Tâm
@nguyentam2211 on
- Member Since: October 25th, 2013
Contribution History
Nguyễn Tâm’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, Nice and clean, on the site Forums:
I found that this theme is so difference in a crazy wo… -
Committed [1236206] to Plugins SVN:
Update information -
Committed [1234771] to Plugins SVN:
add tags -
Committed [1234701] to Plugins SVN:
Remove screenshot from trunk -
Committed [1234697] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.2: Fix duplicated color pickers -
Committed [1233968] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1233962] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1233954] to Plugins SVN:
Update v1.1: Fix default timezone -
Committed [1233284] to Plugins SVN:
Change sub-title -
Committed [1233270] to Plugins SVN:
add icon.svg -
Committed [1233222] to Plugins SVN:
Add screenshot -
Committed [1231350] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1231341] to Plugins SVN:
First check in
What Time Is It?
Active Installs: 200+