Created a topic, Filter by Featured, most pop, most recent, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I need to set up three filters for my WC prod… -
Posted a reply to Error: Bootstrap’s JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Great job Raul, thanks! -
Posted a reply to Before and after slider not appearing in the front end, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Solution: If you use it with the shortcode: Open "\wp-content\plugins\twenty20\inc\twenty20-shortcode.php" find line 75 $output .=… -
Posted a reply to JS Error and images not displaying since WP 5.6, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Solution: If you use it with the shortcode: Open "\wp-content\plugins\twenty20\inc\twenty20-shortcode.php" find line 75 $output .=… -
Posted a reply to JS Error since WP 5.6, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Solution: If you use it with the shortcode: Open "\wp-content\plugins\twenty20\inc\twenty20-shortcode.php" find line 75 $output .=… -
Posted a reply to Before and after not showing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Solution: If you use it with the shortcode: Open "\wp-content\plugins\twenty20\inc\twenty20-shortcode.php" find line 75 $output .=… -
Posted a reply to Console JS error since update WP 5.6, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Solution: If you use it with the shortcode: Open "\wp-content\plugins\twenty20\inc\twenty20-shortcode.php" find line 75 $output .=… -
Created a topic, Console JS error since update WP 5.6, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, the images are not displaying anymore and I get… -
Created a topic, Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I getting: Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountE… -
Created a topic, REST API notices not resolved, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Notice</b>: register_rest_route was called inco… -
Posted a reply to not working – errors after activate, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sure, I’ve modified the review. Good luck with the plugin. -
Created a topic, not working – errors after activate, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type… -
Posted a reply to “register_rest_route was called incorrectly” in WP 5.5 RC2, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Same REST API error here.. please take a look at your code. -
Posted a reply to REST API Errors, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
+4 Same error here man. Please take a look at your code. -
Posted a reply to Account fields placeholders missing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Since no one answered this is all that I've managed to achieve, maybe it serves… -
Created a topic, Account fields placeholders missing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey guys! Does anyone know how to add placeholders val… -
Created a topic, Excelent plugin!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Never moved a live site to a local one easier! GG guys… -
Created a topic, Great Plugin! Excelent!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Very simple to use and useful, everything is working s… -
Created a topic, Annoying rate screen that won’t actually go away., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
"Are you happy with the 404page plugin?" Yes, but I wo… -
Created a topic, WordPress database error Column ‘password’ cannot be null, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, do you know why I get these errors in my websit… -
Created a topic, WordPress database error Column ‘password’ cannot be null, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, do you know why I get these errors in my websit… -
Posted a reply to Bundle price shows $0 in the shopping cart, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
So, what should I do here? It's been 2 weeks. How do I get this… -
Created a topic, Great, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Great plugin -
Posted a reply to Bundle price shows $0 in the shopping cart, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Yes, all settings that you highlighted are the same on my side. Also, I've… -
Created a topic, Bundle price shows $0 in the shopping cart, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I just bought your plugin but the price of the … -
Created a topic, Plugin not working support missing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Installs fine, but it shows nothing on WP 5.1.1. Suppo… -
Created a topic, Problem showing any stats, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, The plugin installs and activates just fine, bu… -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ok, I see here is the data: {"project":{"name":"project","label":"Projects","singular_label":"Project","description":"","public":"true","publicly_queryable":"true","show_ui":"true","show_in_nav_menus":"true","show_in_rest":"false","rest_base":"","rest_controller_class":"","has_archive":"false","has_archive_string":"","exclude_from_search":"false","capability_type":"post","hierarchical":"false","rewrite":"true","rewrite_slug":"","rewrite_withfront":"true","query_var":"true","query_var_slug":"","menu_position":"","show_in_menu":"true","show_in_menu_string":"","menu_icon":"","supports":["title","editor","thumbnail","excerpt","custom-fields","comments","revisions","author","page-attributes","post-formats"],"taxonomies":["category"],"labels":{"new_item":"Project","menu_name":"","all_items":"","add_new":"","add_new_item":"","edit_item":"","view_item":"","view_items":"","search_items":"","not_found":"","not_found_in_trash":"","parent_item_colon":"","featured_image":"","set_featured_image":"","remove_featured_image":"","use_featured_image":"","archives":"","insert_into_item":"","uploaded_to_this_item":"","filter_items_list":"","items_list_navigation":"","items_list":"","attributes":"","name_admin_bar":""},"custom_supports":""},"homepage_featured":{"name":"homepage_featured","label":"Homepage featured","singular_label":"homeage featured","description":"posts that appear in homepage ","public":"true","publicly_queryable":"true","show_ui":"true","show_in_nav_menus":"true","show_in_rest":"false","rest_base":"","rest_controller_class":"","has_archive":"false","has_archive_string":"","exclude_from_search":"false","capability_type":"post","hierarchical":"false","rewrite":"true","rewrite_slug":"","rewrite_withfront":"true","query_var":"true","query_var_slug":"","menu_position":"","show_in_menu":"true","show_in_menu_string":"","menu_icon":"","supports":[],"taxonomies":[],"labels":{"new_item":"homepage_featured","archives":"homepage_featured","name_admin_bar":"homepage_featured","menu_name":"","all_items":"","add_new":"","add_new_item":"","edit_item":"","view_item":"","view_items":"","search_items":"","not_found":"","not_found_in_trash":"","parent_item_colon":"","featured_image":"","set_featured_image":"","remove_featured_image":"","use_featured_image":"","insert_into_item":"","uploaded_to_this_item":"","filter_items_list":"","items_list_navigation":"","items_list":"","attributes":""},"custom_supports":""},"team_member":{"name":"team_member","label":"Team","singular_label":"Member","description":"","public":"true","publicly_queryable":"true","show_ui":"true","show_in_nav_menus":"true","show_in_rest":"false","rest_base":"","rest_controller_class":"","has_archive":"false","has_archive_string":"","exclude_from_search":"false","capability_type":"post","hierarchical":"false","rewrite":"true","rewrite_slug":"","rewrite_withfront":"true","query_var":"true","query_var_slug":"","menu_position":"","show_in_menu":"true","show_in_menu_string":"","menu_icon":"","supports":["title","editor","thumbnail","custom-fields","page-attributes"],"taxonomies":[],"labels":{"new_item":"team_member","menu_name":"","all_items":"","add_new":"","add_new_item":"","edit_item":"","view_item":"","view_items":"","search_items":"","not_found":"","not_found_in_trash":"","parent_item_colon":"","featured_image":"","set_featured_image":"","remove_featured_image":"","use_featured_image":"","archives":"","insert_into_item":"","uploaded_to_this_item":"","filter_items_list":"","items_list_navigation":"","items_list":"","attributes":"","name_admin_bar":""},"custom_supports":""}} -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sure, here: First name: project label: Projects singular_label: Project description: "" public: true publicly_queryable: true… -
Posted a reply to Woocommerce Orders “All” shows No Orders found, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Update: The issue was not the plugin, was the wordpress 5.0.3 update that caused the… -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
No change..I've re-saved all the 3 post types, all three of them have the labels… -
Created a topic, Woocommerce Orders “All” shows No Orders found, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I've updated your plugin to Version 2.7.9 and n… -
Created a topic, PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I get this in my website errorlog and I don't …