Created a topic, 直感的に使えて素晴らしい, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
いままではAmazonや楽天の商品リンクを張る際に、WordPressテーマ「Cocoon」の独自機能で商品… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Biography Text Formatting and Links in ActivityPub Plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sorry, I am Japanese, so my profile is in Japanese.My profile is below.---好きなものはブロッコリー🥦・自転車に乗るのが好き・TREKのクロスバイクFX3に乗ってます・四国一周自転車お遍路わっしょい!もっと見る…---Put this in… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Biography Text Formatting and Links in ActivityPub Plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you for your reply.I used the "Biography" in the ActivityPub section. -
Created a topic, Issue with Biography Text Formatting and Links in ActivityPub Plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, Thank you for the fantastic plugin! After…