Nathan Shubert-Harbison
@nathanshubert on
- Member Since: August 16th, 2010
- Location: Vancouver, BC
- Website:
- Job Title: Web developer
- Employer: Domain7
Contribution History
Nathan Shubert-Harbison’s badges:- Meta Contributor
Created ticket #35806 on Core Trac:
Add filter to capability check when checking if user row is editable -
Wrote a comment on the post Document title in 4.4, on the site Make WordPress Core:
What would you use to print the page title inside the `wp_head` action though? -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.4: What’s on your wishlist?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I'd love to see this reopened. Drupal does make this work, and I feel as… -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.4: What’s on your wishlist?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
For ease of deployment and migration, no longer store the site url in the database.… -
Created ticket #19874 on Core Trac:
Can't use 'author' as a custom taxonomy name -
Created ticket #19213 on Core Trac:
Syntax error when going to wp-admin on 3.3 beta 3 -
Committed [447967] to Plugins SVN:
Releasing plugin