Narendra Sishodiya
@narenin on and Slack
- Member Since: December 15th, 2018
- Location: Noida, India
- Website:
- GitHub: narenin
- Job Title: WordPress Engineer - III
- Employer: QuillBot, a Learneo, Inc. business
Contribution History
Narendra Sishodiya’s badges:- BuddyPress Contributor
- Core Contributor
- Core Performance Contributor
- Documentation Contributor
- Pattern Author
- Photo Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Test Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- WP-CLI Contributor
Received props from @jorbin in Slack:
Props to @desrosj @huzaifaalmesbah @jagirbahesh @sukhendu2002 @zeelthakkar @ahsankhan316 @sainathpoojary @dhavalkapadane @abcd95 @ankitkumarshah @JeffPaul @johnbillion @narenin… -
Mentioned in [59728] on Core SVN:
Posts, Post Types: Add no-cache headers to password protected posts. -
Mentioned in [59715] on Core SVN:
Revisions: Use WP_Query in wp_get_post_autosave. -
Mentioned in [59706] on Core SVN:
Plugins: Improve search box margin behavior in the Add Plugins screen. -
Mentioned in [59633] on Core SVN:
Users: Retain the current session when a user changes their password. -
Mentioned in [59556] on Core SVN:
Coding Standards: Use strict comparison in `wp_handle_comment_submission()`. -
Mentioned in [59515] on Core SVN:
Formatting: Check the result of `preg_split()` in `convert_smilies()`. -
Mentioned in [59511] on Core SVN:
Editor: Hide 'Skip to Editor' if editor not supported. -
Submitted pull request #7962 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Used `WP_Query` in `wp_get_post_autosave` instead of raw query -
Committed [3201891] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.1.0” -
Posted a reply to Visible in elementor, on the site Forums:
@hrzip Do you mean you want to show "Custom Label for Posts" on ?… -
Committed [3201880] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Tested upto WordPress version after Testing -
Closed ticket #62625 on Core Trac:
Checkboxes under the popular-category class in the category checklist ... -
Created a topic, Seamless Payment Gateway Integration, on the site Forums:
this plugin support almost every payment gateway and a… -
Mentioned in [59468] on Core SVN:
Editor: Fix selecting/deselecting multiple unwanted categories when clicking on a Category checkbox on the old Edit Post screen. -
Submitted pull request #7902 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Fixed rtrim() Passing null to parameter PHP deprecated Error -
Created ticket #62586 on Core Trac:
rtrim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is ... -
Closed ticket #62540 on Core Trac:
Categories Bug 6.7.1 - Classic Editor -
Mentioned in [59454] on Core SVN:
Editor: Fix selecting/deselecting multiple unwanted categories when clicking on a Category checkbox on the old Edit Post screen. -
Received props from @JeffPaul in Slack:
Props to @sarthaknagoshe2002 @JeffPaul @ravigadhiyawp @ankitkumarshah @sukhendu2002 @ant1busted @zeelthakkar @jagirbahesh @joemcgill @sppramodh @yogeshbhutkar @abcd95 @mayanktripathi32… -
Mentioned in [59412] on Core SVN:
Editor: Use sentence casing for “Call to action”. -
Submitted pull request #7798 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Use Site Timezone in `RSS Legacy Widget` -
Received props from @JeffPaul in Slack:
Props to @mobarak @mosescursor @eroan @ali7ali @showravhasan @fazyshah @jagirbahesh @sarthaknagoshe2002 @zunaid321 @zeelthakkar @istiaqhossain @up1512001 @ankitkumarshah… -
Submitted pull request #7774 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Fixed Fatal error in convert_smilies() due to count() receiving non-countable value -
Received props from @davidbaumwald in Slack:
Props to @zunaid321 @Ankit K Gupta @jigar9998 @huzaifaalmesbah @ikamal @JeffPaul @marianguas @narenin @faisalahammad @ahsankhan316 @oscarhugopaz… -
Created a topic, wp_2fa_totp_key Keep changing Automatically, on the site Forums:
Hi,I am using premium version of this plugin, the issu… -
Received props from @davidbaumwald in Slack:
Props to@desrosj, @marybaum, @robert-biswas, @wpnoman0, @cyberorca, @courane01, @narenin, @wildworks, @kirasong, @olivierlafleur, @sc0ttkclark, @Ankit K Gupta,… -
Pull request #1562 merged into WordPress/performance:
Use a single API request to get information for all plugins -
Mentioned in [59096] on Core SVN:
Administration: Escape the URL in `wp-admin/admin-footer.php`. -
Submitted pull request #7442 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Implemented Escaping for the URL -
Submitted pull request #1562 to WordPress/performance:
Use a single API request to get information for all plugins -
Wrote a comment on the post Test Team Reps: Call for Nominations, on the site Make WordPress Test:
I nominate myself. -
Submitted pull request #377 to buddypress/buddypress:
Need to update version of wordpress env package -
Created ticket #9236 on BuddyPress Trac:
Remove `version` from `docker -
Submitted pull request #7419 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Fixed : Undefined `array key 1` in `/wp-includes/l10n/class-wp-translation-file-mo.php` -
Mentioned in [59059] on Core SVN:
Docs: The `$feedname` parameter in `add_feed()` should not start with an underscore. -
Mentioned in [59031] on Core SVN:
Plugins: Correct the item schema for the plugins REST API endpoint. -
Mentioned in [59027] on Core SVN:
General: Add missing `initial-scale` value in viewport meta tags. -
Created issue #311 in the WordPress/developer-blog-content repository:
Bug on - How to create an animated timeline plugin -
Received props from @hellofromTonya in Slack:
Props to @ahsankhan316, @audrasjb, @beryldlg, @fazyshah, @gajendrasingh, @hage, @jigar9998, @jorbin, @kebbet, @khoipro, @mariayohana, @matteoenna, @iammehedi1,… -
Submitted pull request #17 to bbpress/bbPress:
Added missing filter documentation -
Submitted pull request #7294 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Fixed viewport missing `initial-scale=1` -
Received props from @hellofromTonya in Slack:
Props to @audrasjb, @davidbaumwald, @jorbin, @mariayohana, @narenin, @showravhasan, @zunaid321 for helping to test the 6.6.2… -
Submitted pull request #372 to buddypress/buddypress:
Implemented the PHPCS Fixes in `src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/buddypress-functions.php` -
Created ticket #9230 on BuddyPress Trac:
Implemented PHPCS Fixes in ... -
Submitted pull request #371 to buddypress/buddypress:
Imprved the checking for BP Class Plugin -
Mentioned in [58982] on Core SVN:
Docs: Add changing existing items recommendations to 'admin_bar_menu' action. -
Mentioned in [58981] on Core SVN:
Comments: Limit comments shortcut to not execute on links. -
Mentioned in [58978] on Core SVN:
Docs: Add changing existing items recommendations to 'admin_bar_menu' action. -
Wrote a comment on the post Test Team Reps: Call for Nominations, on the site Make WordPress Test:
I want to nominate @oglekler and @krupajnanda for next year’s Test Team Reps.
Custom Labels for WordPress Posts
Active Installs: 20+
Total photo contributions: 1
View all photos contributed by Narendra Sishodiya to the WordPress Photo Directory →