Yehan Virantha
@mostwanted_sl on
- Member Since: September 7th, 2014
- Website:
Contribution History
Yehan Virantha’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2567808] to Plugins SVN:
WP plugin Banner update -
Committed [2545458] to Plugins SVN:
Banner images update -
Committed [2545457] to Plugins SVN:
update the readme.txt and plugin.php -
Committed [2545454] to Plugins SVN:
Assets update -
Committed [2545444] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [2539442] to Plugins SVN:
Update the tags -
Committed [2539439] to Plugins SVN:
Update the assets screenshots -
Committed [2539310] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit
MOST_WANTED Login Page Styler
Active Installs: Less than 10
MOST_WANTED Wallet Discount Manager
Active Installs: Less than 10