@mosheeshel on
- Member Since: February 14th, 2012
- Location: Haalon 30, Moshav Gimzo, Israel, 73130
- Website:
- Job Title: Owner and General do it all
- Employer: Eshel Software
Contribution History
mosheeshel’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [699627] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1 -
Committed [699625] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1 -
Committed [699616] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version number to have plugin Auto-Update -
Committed [699034] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [699033] to Plugins SVN:
Bad ajax url - admin-shortcode, fixed -
Committed [699028] to Plugins SVN:
Change Name of plugin folder -
Committed [699024] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Directory Name -
Committed [670701] to Plugins SVN:
Removed test logs, changed urls to add source tracking parameters -
Committed [643649] to Plugins SVN:
Changed URLs to HTTPS -
Committed [630103] to Plugins SVN:
more styling changes -
Committed [630099] to Plugins SVN:
changes to readme.txt for visibility -
Committed [630094] to Plugins SVN:
First Version -
Committed [526238] to Plugins SVN:
First Insert of code into subversion, working plugin as far as we know ...
Floating Theme List
Active Installs: 10+
Advance WP Query Search Filter
Custom Post Type Permalinks
Floating Theme List
GEO-location and directions
JJ NextGen JQuery Carousel
Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer
Posts 2 Posts
Registration, User Profile, Membership, Content Restriction, User Directory, and Frontend Post Submission – WP User Frontend
Signature Watermark
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy