@mortrall on
- Member Since: May 28th, 2012
- Location: Moscow, Russia
- Website:
- Job Title: SEO Expert / SEM Manager / Web Developer
Contribution History
Mortrall’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Translated 1 string on
Posted a reply to Перевод плагина Ads for bbPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Понял и благодарю! :) -
Posted a reply to Перевод плагина Ads for bbPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Так, разобрался. Нет, сам плагин на русский всё-таки не был переведён, я только readme-секцию, получается,… -
Posted a reply to Перевод плагина Ads for bbPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Принято, благодарю! -
Created a topic, Перевод плагина Ads for bbPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Добрый день. Перевёл все 38 строк. Рассмотрите и проап… -
Posted a reply to Перевод плагина GD bbPress Attachments, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Благодарю! -
Created a topic, Перевод плагина GD bbPress Attachments, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Рассмотрите и одобрите, пожалуйста, мой перевод 27 стр… -
Wrote a new post, 10 причин стать спикером на WordCamp Moscow 2020, on the site WordCamp Moscow 2020:
Прямой контакт с целевой аудиторией, развитие бренда, новые знакомства, кредит доверия, карьерный рост — вот… -
Committed [2187575] to Plugins SVN:
version changed -
Committed [2187573] to Plugins SVN:
version changed -
Committed [2187561] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187560] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187559] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187558] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187557] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187556] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187553] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187552] to Plugins SVN:
readme edit -
Committed [2187546] to Plugins SVN:
Small edit of version number. -
Committed [2187545] to Plugins SVN:
Small edit of version number. -
Committed [2187544] to Plugins SVN:
Small edit of version number. -
Committed [2187543] to Plugins SVN:
Small edit of version number. -
Committed [2187542] to Plugins SVN:
Small edit of version number. -
Committed [2187541] to Plugins SVN:
Small edit of version number. -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Moscow
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for Simple Cookies, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello, Polyglots! I am the plugin author for Simple Cookies ( ). I would… -
Committed [2167896] to Plugins SVN:
Added readme.txt -
Committed [2167895] to Plugins SVN:
Removed readme.txt -
Committed [2167837] to Plugins SVN:
Added new icon -
Committed [2167836] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted icon -
Committed [2167834] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167833] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167832] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167831] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167830] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167829] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167828] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167826] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167825] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167824] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167823] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167822] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167821] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167820] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin uploaded -
Committed [2167819] to Plugins SVN:
Adding icon-128x128.png -
Committed [2167818] to Plugins SVN:
Adding banner-772x250.jpg -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Saint Petersburg, Russia 2019
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Moscow 2018 2018
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Moscow 2017
Created a topic, Great SEO plugin., on the site Forums:
It is very comfortable for me and my clients to work w…
Simple Cookies
Active Installs: 10+
ACF Duplicate Repeater
Admin Menu Editor
Custom Post Type UI
Custom Sidebars - Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager
Cyr to Lat enhanced
Debug Bar
Dynamic Widgets
Firelight Lightbox
FOX - Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce
Google Authenticator
Homepage Control
HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
Manage Notification E-mails
Paid Membership Plugin, Ecommerce, User Registration Form, Login Form, User Profile & Restrict Content – ProfilePress
Polylang Theme Strings
Preserved HTML Editor Markup Plus
Restrict User Access - Ultimate Membership & Content Protection
Simple Cookies
Slider, Gallery, and Carousel by MetaSlider - Image Slider, Video Slider
Social Login
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
SSL Insecure Content Fixer
Storefront Add Slider
Storefront Blog Excerpts
Storefront Pro Skins
Storefront Visual Hook Guide
Subscribe To Comments Reloaded
User Access Manager
User Role Editor
Widget Importer & Exporter
Wordpress Special Characters in Usernames
WP Migrate Lite - WordPress Migration Made Easy
WP Sitemap Page
WP Super Cache
wpautop control
Yoast SEO
Русский (Russian) Plugins Translation Editor - #ru_RU
Simple Cookies
Active Installs: 10+