Роман Иноземцев
@mirone on WordPress.org
- Member Since: February 6th, 2018
- Location: World
- Website: mir.one
- Job Title: Digital Sinergy mir.one ~ n/a 7pm - 2am (GMT).
- Employer: mir.one
Contribution History
Роман Иноземцев’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Translated 36 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 16 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Created a topic, [shMapper by Teplitsa] Открытый код, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Рад открытой самоорганизации… -
Committed [2076074] to Plugins SVN:
upd_5.2 -
Committed [2076073] to Plugins SVN:
upd_5.2 -
Committed [2076070] to Plugins SVN:
upd_5.2 -
Committed [2073557] to Plugins SVN:
upd_contr -
Committed [2072861] to Plugins SVN:
upd_add_icons -
Committed [2072860] to Plugins SVN:
upd_README/assets -
Committed [2072859] to Plugins SVN:
init_Waves_AD_network -
Committed [2071028] to Plugins SVN:
add_pic_asset -
Committed [2071021] to Plugins SVN:
init -
Committed [2069784] to Plugins SVN:
upd_README_TNA.txt -
Committed [2069779] to Plugins SVN:
upd_README.txt -
Committed [2069749] to Plugins SVN:
Init plugin -
Committed [2067643] to Plugins SVN:
add_screenshots 5 rus -
Committed [2067641] to Plugins SVN:
add new screenshot -
Committed [2067636] to Plugins SVN:
add_screenshots -
Committed [2067635] to Plugins SVN:
add_screenshots -
Committed [2067578] to Plugins SVN:
upd_RU -
Committed [2067554] to Plugins SVN:
update assets -
Committed [2067553] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.0 -
Created a topic, Waves Tokens Info Russian.po, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello! I translated your plugin into Russian in the co…