@minamimoto on WordPress.org
- Member Since: October 2nd, 2023
Contribution History
minamimoto’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Translated 4 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3090495] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3090494] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Suggested 14 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3090485] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3090484] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3090481] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3090480] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3090479] to Plugins SVN:
・画像パス修正 ・金額部分表示調整 ・サンプルCSV調整 -
Committed [3090478] to Plugins SVN:
・画像パス修正 ・金額部分表示調整 ・サンプルCSV調整 -
Suggested 2 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3089698] to Plugins SVN:
js update -
Committed [3089696] to Plugins SVN:
js update -
Committed [3089689] to Plugins SVN:
description update -
Committed [3089688] to Plugins SVN:
description update -
Committed [3089687] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3089686] to Plugins SVN:
minor update -
Committed [3086134] to Plugins SVN:
minor updated. -
Committed [3086133] to Plugins SVN:
軽微な調整 -
Committed [3086128] to Plugins SVN:
サンプルcsvのパス,説明文の調整 -
Committed [3086127] to Plugins SVN:
サンプルcsvのパス,説明文調整 -
Committed [3086125] to Plugins SVN:
First version 1.0.0 -
Committed [3086123] to Plugins SVN:
first version.